Wild River Conservancy (free event, all ages welcome)
Wild Rivers Conservancy's mission is to inspire stewardship to forever ensure the rare ecological integrity of the St. Croix and Namekagon Riverway. We provide environmental learning opportunities and outdoor experiences for a variety of people within our Watershed and the Twin Cities communities and protect and restore the St. Croix Watershed for the benefit of the environment and the surrounding communities.
🌱Friday April 25, 2025 🌱you can find Unruly Women and many more at the Wild Rivers Conservancy Festival at 45th Parallel Distillery in New Richmond, WI!
🌱Celebrate spring and the upcoming open water season with us at Wild Rivers Festival.
🌱Meet and greet with local kayak outfitters, tour guides, fishing outfitters, and more. Find everything you need to get outside this summer and make the most of the wild and scenic St. Croix and Namekagon rivers.
🌱Unruly Women will be silent auctioning some Unruly Women merch and you can find more information about 2025 Unruly Women events in person! 🥳

Mindful + Educational Community Hiking Experience with the MN DNR at Iona’s Beach (free event, all ages welcome)
Unearth your inner wild and build confidence through mindfulness, journaling and grounding practices, plant identification, rock geology and a hike at the uniquely pink Iona’s Beach Scientific and Natural Area on Lake Superior.
This event will be hosted by Monica from Unruly Women and Arika from the MN DNR :)
This event is possible thanks to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR) and the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund. THANK YOU!
All ages welcome at this event (minors must be accompanied by an adult/guardian)
Please register by signing up below, this is limited to 20 people. Once signed up, you will receive more details.
Learn safety and technique for safe hiking and recreating along this shore of Lake Superior and the trails throughout this Scientific Natural Area.
Join in grounding meditation and journaling prompts to help you be more present and mindful while enjoying this beautiful place.
Leaving this event, you’ll have the knowledge and skills necessary to help you feel more confident while enjoying parks like this one on Lake Superior.
This will be a great opportunity to practice
leave no trace ethics by drawing and note-taking about the plants and trees that are found
along the North Shore of Lake Superior, creating a memory keepsake and leaving nature as we
find it.
Learn about plant and tree identification and the unique rock geology of this pink beach on Lake Superior from Arika with the Minnesota DNR.
Parking is available at Twin Points Protected Parking Access lot which is about 20 minutes north of Two Harbors between Gooseberry Falls State Park and Split Rock Lighthouse State Park.
*This event is free to the public, for all ages and gender identities (anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by and adult/guardian *
water to drink
comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots
your favorite journaling supplies / something to write on (notebook, paper, etc)
utensil(s) to write and / or draw with (feel free to get creative as long as you’re able to carry it easily)
Please Sign Up by registering below .

The Hungry Bear Gravel 100 with New Moon Bike + Ski 2025
In 2024, Unruly Women will was a race ambassador and a supported program by the Hungry Bear 100. Although we’re not local to Hayward, Wisconsin, our missions align and we came together to help raise funds, and create an inclusive and accessible community! Everyone in our group had such a great time, that I’ve decided Unruly Women will be at Hungry Bear 2025!
“The Hungry Bear was born in the days when gravel races were unsupported DIY events where you were lucky to get a paper cue sheet and find a tavern at the end. We are trying to hold onto that BYOB adventure vibe that comes with a little bit of trepidation.
Profits from this event will be divided among community-based organizations like the Cable Volunteer Fire Department, The Steve Tilford Foundation, Regional Hospice, LCO Schools Scholarship, and other local non-profits and worthy causes.” Read more by clicking the button below to head over to the official Hungry Bear website.
THE UNRULY GROUP will be riding the 28, 60, and 100 mile options, please choose what feels best to you! Know, that you can change it later.
I (Monica) plan to ride the 100 in 2025!
*2025 will be all timed races, but please don’t let that keep you from signing up, it’s more about being able to keep tabs on who is still out on the course and who has crossed the finish line so that no-one gets left behind.*
COST: All proceeds go to the local community and other local non-profits and worthy causes! So, you can feel good about the fee :)
$40 (timed) use the code UNRULY5 for 5$ off to bring your cost to $35!
DISTANCE: choose from either the 28, 60 or 100 mile distances
Unruly Women will be hosting a weekly group ride virtually on Zwift during the “off” season ( November or later ) to help us all get ready for this 2025 race :) and to hold us accountable to show up - - riding indoors is really difficult for me to stick to, so I need accountabili-buddies too!
Keep an eye out for updates / dates / times for the virtual ride
email me with virtual group ride or race questions : monica@unrulywomen.org
sign up for the newsletter to stay most up to date
you’ll need a subscription to Zwift and a bike trainer of some kind (TacX, Zwift Hub, Kickr Smart, Wahoo, etc) to connect your bike to use and to virtually join the ride over the winter, if you wait, I’ll send out a discount code once I’m signed up again. I don’t have a year round subscription.

Highschool Femme Youth Bikepacking Trip with NCYD and Unruly Women!
Unruly Women is partnering with the National Center for Youth Development to host the youth femme bikepacking trip! We will be leading a 3 day - 2 night bike packing adventure to Jay Cooke State Park, where we will bike 180 miles together with all of our gear - on our bikes and spend each night camping under the stars.
WHO : Femme Highschool riders (biking experience required, no bikepacking experience required)
WHAT : 3 part Mini - Series sessions to help your youth high school cyclist learn about bikepacking and whether they would like to participate in this youth bikepacking trip with NCYD and Unruly Women
WHEN: the first meeting will be February 23rd from 3:30-5:30 pm, this is where your highschooler will learn more about the trip and what is involved to make it a successful adventure - and whether they’d like to sign up! There will be 2 more sessions after this one, and then the actual Bikepacking Trip will be over Memorial Day weekend 2025.
There will be a 3 Session Bikepacking 101 mini-series where Katrina Hase (experienced bikepacker) will guide us through all we need to know to have an epic first bikepacking adventure, help prepare our bike set-ups, share what she has learned along the way and answer any questions that your youth cyclist may have.
Session 1 February 23rd : Intro + Overview (after this session, riders will decide whether they would like to join this adventure)
Session 2 : Gear, food/water, and safety
Session 3 : Trial bike set up + pre-ride
Memorial Weekend May 24-26, 2025 : the Femme Bikepacking Trip!
Leading this Adventure :
Katrina Hase recently backpacked the 2,700 mile Great Divide bike route from Canada to Mexico in the summer of 2023 and has gone on numerous bike packing adventures across the U.S. CLICK HERE for her Youtube Channel to learn more about her experience.
Rachel is a youth mountain bike coach through NCYD and has significant experience in the cycling world racing and coaching.
I (Monica) have curated and guided numerous multi-day/night backpacking and mountain biking retreats, have extensive outdoor experience adventuring and am a certified Wilderness First Responder through NOLS Wilderness School.
If you would like to sign up your youth cyclist for the first informational session on February 23rd, please click the link below to email me directly.
Bikepacking is a type of adventure touring where you combine backpacking and biking and is usually done when someone wants to cover longer distances and camp overnight.
This is usually an all-terrain style biking adventure and is done while having your bike loaded up with all necessary gear you would use for camping , often with your food and water as well, mostly while riding on a combination of gravel roads, forest service roads, single track, and more. It all depends on where your backpacking adventure is taking place.

Cascade River Loop Repair and Reroute Femme Volunteer Project with the Superior Hiking Trail Association
Cascade River Loop Repair and Reroute
Join the SHTA and Unruly Women for a 5 day event June 20 - 24th as we repair and reroute a section of trail on the Cascade River Loop of the Superior Hiking Trail near Grand Marais, MN.
The SHTA is the nonprofit that manages, maintains, and promotes the Superior Hiking Trail.
For the past four years, Unruly Women has had the opportunity to partner with the Superior Hiking Trail Association to bring together incredible groups of women, femme and non-binary volunteers to help reroute and rebuild sections of the Superior Hiking Trail. Long lasting friendships have been made through these incredible experiences and of course, amazing trail work has been accomplished too!
This will be the 4th Annual SHTA + Unruly Women Trail Maintenance Weekend. As of 2024 it is considered an established program with the SHTA!! Thank you so much for your interest and participation so that we can continue this awesome trail work experience.
Activities will include digging with shovels and using hand tools to repair and reroute the Cascade Loop of the Superior Hiking Trail.
All tools and training will be provided by SHTA.
You do not need any prior experience in trail work, you will be taught on site and are encouraged to work within your comfort level - you will never have to do anything you’re not comfortable doing.
Campsites and dinners are provided (thank you Superior Hiking Trail Association!!)
Expect a 1.5 mile hike from the trailhead to get to the project, which means roughly 3 miles roundtrip.
Volunteering is a great opportunity to learn more about the areas we recreate in, about the work that goes into maintaining trail systems we use, and to not only give back to the community but to become a part of the community.
This volunteer event is free, the campsites and dinners are provided by the SHTA, and all you need is transportation to the campground, your own camping gear, food and water, and whatever else you normally bring camping.
** You will need a State Parks Pass for your vehicle **
You have the option to camp in our group sites Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights, but ultimately it's up to you what works with your schedule, as long as you can make it for the 8:30am start time for each day you’ve signed up to volunteer (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and/or Tuesday) until 4:30pm each or either day!
Although this will be hard work, we want you to work at your own pace and take any breaks you need.
This is a beginner-friendly event. No experience is necessary. Come learn about trail maintenance in a welcoming and safe environment.
This is an event for adult women, female identifying, femme and non-binary people.
This year, youth ages 12-17 are welcome if they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Please click the button below to head over to the SHTA’s sign up page for more details.
In order to attend, you must click the button below to sign up for each day that you’re able to volunteer.
Sign up for all 5 dates, or just the dates that work with your schedule - - it’s not an all or nothing, we appreciate any and all help we can get!
You must sign up for each day that you intend to volunteer / participate (by following the link below)
Please read through all information and watch the necessary videos (by following the link below)
Click the (+) below to expand the information for each topic.
We will be camping, location will be sent to you once you register. This accommodation is kindly covered by the Superior Hiking Trail Association
You must bring your own camping gear, you are welcome to camp in your car if that’s your preference
The campsites will be available Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday night, Monday night and Tuesday night.
There are showers here :) YAY!
Dinners will be provided by the Superior Hiking Trail Association
You are in charge of bringing sufficient snacks, lunches, breakfasts, and water for yourself
Shared Campsite Accommodations : TBD
Trail Worksite: Cascade River Loop from Lookout Mountain Trailhead
Nearby : 14 minute drive north of Lutsen and 15 minutes south of Grand Marais, MN
This event is for all women, female identifying, femme and non-binary people
youth aged 12-17 are welcome if accompanied by a parent or guardian
you must be able to hike minimum of 3 miles (roundtrip) while carrying tools, your snacks and water
your own transportation
camping gear for yourself (anything you would normally bring camping like tent, sleeping bay, sleeping pad, etc)
ability to hike 3 miles minimum while carrying tools and personal items
your own food and water (breakfasts, lunches, and snacks)
I also recommend to bring a backpack to carry your snack/lunch/water/personal items to the worksite

Wirth On Wednesday Mountain Bike Race during Women + Non-Binary Week Hosted By Unruly Women!
I am SO excited and proud to announce that Unruly Women will be hosting and sponsoring this year’s WOW race during The Loppet Foundation’s Women and Non-Binary Week in 2025!
Prizes will be from Unruly Women and sponsors including Mountain Flow Eco Wax and more to come!
Mountain biking and mountain bike racing are intimidating - especially considering that it’s a male dominated sport.
But, that’s even more reason for more of us to show up and ride. The more of us that are out there riding and supporting each other and ourselves - the better the experience will be and the more women, femme and non-binary individuals will be represented and recognized. We are all deserving of being out there, riding singletrack AND racing.
LET’s SHOW UP + GET UNRULY + let's flood this race with our energy and our stoke, the more the merrier!!!!
We need to shift our mindsets, remember our worth, and show up and ride and do the things we want to do without fear of judgement and intimidation. Let’s RIDE!!!
This event is a Loppet Foundation race, you must follow the link below to register on their website if you plan to join this race!
The 2025 updated link and information for registering to race or volunteer will be posted below when available! Right now, its just SAVE THE DATE!

Bean and Bear Loop Repair and Reroute Femme Volunteer Project with the Superior Hiking Trail Association
Bean and Bear Loop Repair and Reroute
Join the SHTA and Unruly Women for a 3 day event August 8th, 9th and 10th as we help finish the repair and reroute of the Bean and Bear Loop of the Superior Hiking Trail near Silver Bay, MN.
The SHTA is the nonprofit that manages, maintains, and promotes the Superior Hiking Trail.
For the past four years, Unruly Women has had the opportunity to partner with the Superior Hiking Trail Association to bring together incredible groups of women, femme and non-binary volunteers to help reroute and rebuild sections of the Superior Hiking Trail. Long lasting friendships have been made through these incredible experiences and of course, amazing trail work has been accomplished too!
This will be the 4th Annual SHTA + Unruly Women Trail Maintenance Weekend. As of 2024 it is considered an established program with the SHTA!! Thank you so much for your interest and participation so that we can continue this awesome trail work experience.
Activities will include digging with shovels and using hand tools to complete a repair and reroute of the Bean and Bear Loop.
All tools and training will be provided by SHTA.
You do not need any prior experience in trail work, you will be taught on site and are encouraged to work within your comfort level - you will never have to do anything you’re not comfortable doing.
Campsites and dinners are provided (thank you Superior Hiking Trail Association!!)
Expect a 1 mile hike from the trailhead to get to the project, which means roughly 2 miles roundtrip.
Volunteering is a great opportunity to learn more about the areas we recreate in, about the work that goes into maintaining trail systems we use, and to not only give back to the community but to become a part of the community.
This volunteer event is free, the campsites and dinners are provided by the SHTA, and all you need is transportation to the campground, your own camping gear, food and water, and whatever else you normally bring camping.
You have the option to camp in our group sites Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, but ultimately it's up to you what works with your schedule, as long as you can make it for the 8:30am start time for each day you’ve signed up to volunteer (Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday) until 4:30pm each or either day!
Although this will be hard work, we want you to work at your own pace and take any breaks you need.
This is a beginner-friendly event. No experience is necessary. Come learn about trail maintenance in a welcoming and safe environment.
This is an event for adult women, female identifying, femme and non-binary people.
This year, youth ages 12-17 are welcome if they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Please click the button below to head over to the SHTA’s sign up page for more details.
In order to attend, you must click the button below to sign up for each day that you’re able to volunteer.
Sign up for all 3 dates, or just the dates that work with your schedule - - it’s not an all or nothing, we appreciate any and all help we can get!
You must sign up for each day that you intend to volunteer / participate (by following the link below)
Please read through all information and watch the necessary videos (by following the link below)
Click the (+) below to expand the information for each topic.
We will be camping (campground TBD) this accommodation is kindly covered by the Superior Hiking Trail Association
You must bring your own camping gear, you are welcome to camp in your car if that’s your preference
The campsites will be available Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday night.
Dinners will be provided by the Superior Hiking Trail Association
You are in charge of bringing sufficient snacks, lunches, breakfasts, and water for yourself
Shared Campsite Accommodations : TBD
Trail Worksite: Penn Blvd Trailhead / Silver Bay Trailhead
Nearby : 4 minute drive from Silver Bay, MN
This event is for all women, female identifying, femme and non-binary people
youth aged 12-17 are welcome if accompanied by a parent or guardian
you must be able to hike minimum of 2 miles (roundtrip) while carrying tools, your snacks and water
your own transportation
camping gear for yourself (anything you would normally bring camping like tent, sleeping bay, sleeping pad, etc)
ability to hike 2 miles minimum while carrying tools and personal items
your own food and water (breakfasts, lunches, and snacks)
I also recommend to bring a backpack to carry your snack/lunch/water/personal items to the worksite

International Women's Day at Minneapolis Bouldering Project
You will find Unruly Women tabeling for International Women’s Day from 10-12pm Saturday March 8th, 2025 along with other vendors!
Minneapolis Bouldering Project will have specially curated classes this day as well!
9am-10am International Women’s Day Flow with Lauren
10:30-11:30 am International Women’s Day Power Flow with Lauren
12-1 pm Femme Strength Workshop with Sarah

NoMan's Land Film Festival fundraiser and silent auction for NCYD
Welcome to the first ever all-woman and gender non-conforming adventure film festival!
Join the National Center for Youth Development in celebrating and supporting women and genderqueer athletes in the cycling community at the No Man's Land Film Festival. Your ticket purchase and attendance will benefit girls and women right here in the Twin Cities.
Our social hour and silent auction begin at 6:00 p.m. with concessions available for purchase.
Films will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will conclude by 9:00 p.m. Films are family friendly, though a few may contain profanity.
Adult tickets $30 and youth (under 18) $15. We'll see you there!
This film screening and silent auction event will help raise funds for the National Center for Youth Development.
Unruly Women will be contributing to the silent auction, tabeling at this event and has partnered with NCYD for the first ever femme high school bikepacking trip - click below if you want to learn more!
Never heard of the Noman’s Land Film Festival? Be sure to follow the link below to learn more about their mission!! Their 10th anniversary Film will be released on International Women’s Day March 7th and 8th, 2025.

Mindful + Educational Community Snowshoe Experience with the MN DNR
Unearth your inner wild and build confidence through mindfulness, journaling and grounding practices, and learning unique facts about Chisholm Point Island SNA in Grand Rapids, MN while snow shoeing.
This event will be hosted by Monica from Unruly Women and Arika from the MN DNR :)
This event is possible thanks to the MN DNR and the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund.
There are 7 pairs of snow shoes available to borrow if needed, please note your request upon registration.
All ages welcome at this event (minors must be accompanied by an adult/guardian)
Please register by signing up below, this is limited to 20 people. Once signed up, you will receive more details.
There are only 7 pairs of snowshoes to borrow, must request upon event registration to hold.
Learn safety and technique for snow shoeing and recreating to and through this SNA.
Join in grounding meditation and journaling prompts to help you be more present and mindful while enjoying this beautiful place.
Leaving this event, you’ll have the knowledge and skills necessary to help you feel more confident while enjoying areas like this and while snowshoeing.
This will be a great opportunity to practice
leave no trace ethics by drawing and note-taking about the trees (and plants we might be able to see if not covered completely by snow) that are found on this island in Grand Rapids, creating a memory keepsake and leaving nature as we
find it.
Learn about the local unique ecology of this SNA from Arika from the MN DNR while we explore this beautiful place on snowshoes.
Parking at the public boat access:
3062 Kings Lndg, Grand Rapids, MN 55744
water to drink
winter clothing, layers, boots, hat, gloves (dress for the weather)
optional ski poles or trekking poles (make sure they have the baskets at the base to be able to use in snow)
your favorite journaling supplies / something to write on (notebook, paper, etc)
utensil(s) to write and / or draw with (feel free to get creative as long as you’re able to carry it easily)
backpack/bag to hold water, snacks, etc to ensure your hands are free while navigating the terrain
**Please be aware that we will be walking on a frozen lake to get to the island**
We will enjoy hot beverages back at the parking lot following our walk
Please Sign Up by registering below

Mountain Biking + Yoga All-Inclusive Wellness Retreat at Mallard Point Resort
*deadline to sign up is October 3rd (signing up ASAP is helpful though for planning :)
Let’s Get Unruly and SHRED in TIOGA and REDHEAD!!
Unruly Women, is bringing you to Grand Rapids, MN!
During this retreat, we will be staying at Mallard Point Resort where we will be staying in beautiful cabins, on a peninsula all to ourself, on a lake, including paddle sport options and a wood fired sauna.
Besides the fact that we’re bringing together yet another group of rad women to ride the TIOGA and REDHEAD mountain bike trail systems together - here are the details:
- 3 nights / 4 days at Mallard Point Resort in Grand Rapids, MN
- shared cabin(s) with your own bed (if you'd like to share a room with someone you're coming with be sure to specify at checkout)
- rooms are priced differently, choose your option below
- gentle yoga taught by Jess Friday evening -Sunday morning
- all meals (including coffee, tea, variety of canned n/a beverages)
- Because people may be coming in at different times Thursday afternoon/evening DINNER will be casual grilling and BBQing hot dogs and burgers - carnivore and vegetarian options - along with an assortment of side dishes.
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner will all be included. We have a full kitchen and catering options. Regardless, all meals will be included and nutritious! :)
* please specify your dietary needs (vegan, vegetarian, allergies in the checkout form)
We’ll have SNACKS available too throughout the weekend - there’s nothing worse, than not enough food while out riding!
We understand dietary and allergy restrictions vary and we’ll do our best to accommodate, but can’t guarantee to accommodate all.
- certified bike mechanics, ride leaders, and/or WFA/WFR (wilderness first aid and first responder certifications as well) will be present in our group leaders
- mountain bike group rides together, optional mileage distances, we will drive in our separate vehicles to the trailheads
* Friday at Tioga
* Saturday at Redhead
- Finish the day or begin your morning by using the wood-fired sauna
- Access to the lake and all resort amenities
- pre-ride bike checks with certified specialists
- a swag bag with awesome gifts from Unruly Women, SRAM, MountainFlow Eco Wax, Embark Maple, and more!
- optional skills clinics and group rides put on by cerified BICP coaches
- your own transportation to Mallard Point Resort and the Tioga and Redhead trailheads
- bike rentals through Ardent Bike Shop in Grand Rapids, MN
- any favorite food or snacks of yours that we might not be providing (or special dietary restricted foods)
Choose from beautiful fully furnished cabins or camping
Cabin 1 Sleeps up to 4 people
Bedroom 1: one king bed ($1095 single occupancy or $900 per person shared bed)
Bedroom 2:
one queen bed ($995 single occupancy or $800 per person shared bed)
one twin bunk over ($895)
1 Bathroom
Cabin 2 Sleeps up to 4 people (pricing same as above)
Bedroom 1: one king bed
Bedroom 2: two twin beds
1 Bathroom
Cabin 3 Sleeps up to 5 people (pricing same as above)
Bedroom 1: one king bed
Bedroom 2: one queen bed, one twin bunk over
1 Bathroom
** This cabin’s kitchen and living room space will be used for group meals and gatherings if raining / too buggy outside, and most likely for breakfast / coffee. **
Camping Option (limited to 12) $725 per person
must bring your own camping gear
bathroom use in cabin or portapotty ( will depend on how many come to this retreat)
Property Details
6 Person Sauna included
Firewood included
Gas grill and charcoal grills
Swimmable lake with sandy beach area
2 Kayaks, 2 paddle boards, 2 canoes included
- you must be age 18 or older
- you must know how to ride a bike (intermediate riding level experience recommended for safety but not required)
- you must have a well functioning mountain bike - or choose the rental option at checkout (we will be doing a bike check to ensure everyone has a bike that is safe to use)
- you must sign the Unruly Women and Mallard Point Resort waivers prior to participating in this event (an email will be sent after ticket purchase and prior to the event)
- if you choose to swim, or participate in water activities, please know that no one in our group is swift water rescue or lifeguard certified and you swim at your own risk
deadline to sign up is August 7th, 2024
any other questions regarding refunds, please see the FAQs page
travel insurance is recommended but not required
- individuals aged 18 or older (past trips have generally had 24 years to over 60 years of age)
- open registration to ALL female identifying, femme and non-binary individuals (see FAQs page to see if Unruly Women is a safe/comfortable space for you)
- open to intermediate level riders or riders with at least 1 year riding experience, with 2-4 skilled professionals at all times
Thanks to the financial contributions of generous people, there is one scholarship for $500 towards registration, please click the link below, if you're interested.
Priority for scholarships is given to those who have historically been excluded and underrepresented in outdoor spaces.
As part of Unruly Women’s (ongoing) work to help improve inclusivity, equity and help diversify outdoor spaces, as an individual of the LGBTQIA+ and/or BBIPOC communities you are encouraged regardless of income level to participate in the 20% discounted rate for this biking retreat.
Please use code:
If you would like to learn more, please see the FAQs page by clicking HERE.

Sonju Lake Backpacking October (Intermediate)
Join me in backpacking this beautiful section of the Superior Hiking Trail. We’ll witness the strength of the Baptism river, the calm and quiet of Egge lake and a beautiful island on Sonju Lake. Along this trail, we’ll travel over various terrain, that at times can be technical, but overall is relatively flat with some gradual ascending and descending, wooden boardwalks and bridges that can become slippery when wet, some high step ups and step downs - trekking poles are recommended. This route is beginner friendly, but has more mileage to cover with full backpacks - so I'm considering it intermediate and open to all levels of experience.
Although we're covering more mileage in a day on this retreat, we'll still have the opportunity to learn valuable skills, and be able to enjoy our surroundings and rest. 6 miles is the most we will backpack at one time, we'll be setting up camp each night and breaking down camp each morning. Each of us, will be required to carry our own gear, make our own food, and put in the work to get to our destinations together. Keep in mind, although this is the plan, we need to be flexible with our plans, kind to ourselves, and kind to each other - as things don’t always go as planned and campsites are never guaranteed on trail, but we’ll figure it out! It’s all part of the adventure :)
There is a chance that we’ll see bears, beavers, wolves, coyotes, mountain lion, moose, deer, and various birds- but sightings are not guaranteed. We will absolutely review safety / what to do if we were to encounter these animals prior to our retreat, although it's unlikely we'll encounter bear, moose, mountain lion, wolves and coyotes - - it's important to acknowledge this possibility and be prepared.
This retreat will be around the New Moon. We’ll utilize some time for meditation, journaling and a ‘planting seeds’ or intention setting ceremony around the bonfire Saturday night (weather permitting). This is not required, if it’s not your jam, but I do feel it adds to the experience.
Location: the trailhead where we will meet is roughly 1 hour drive north of Duluth, MN (exact location will be provided after you have signed up, prior to the adventure)
Morning of October 11 - Early Afternoon of October 13, 2024
Deadline to sign up:
September 27, 2024
***Destination, location and distance are subject to change at the discretion of Unruly Women LLC / guide of the retreat. Changes may depend on weather, natural disaster, closures, safety of each individual, etc; be expected to be flexible, we are at the will of Mother Nature and will not put you/our lives at risk, but also understand that you are your own person to make your own decisions and your choices are your own. (see cancellation/refund policy on FAQs page)***
individuals aged 18 or older (past trips have generally had 24 years to over 60 years of age)
open registration to ALL female identifying, femme and non-binary individuals (see FAQs page to see if Unruly Women is a safe/comfortable space for you)
open to all experience levels
3 person max, unless you are attending with someone you’re willing to share a tent with - then this is negotiable and will allow for more people
Must be able to hike up to 6 miles in one day over varying terrain, stairs, over logs, while carrying up to 40 pounds
There are some technical obstacles along the trail, stairs, high step up or downs, rocks, elevation changes and overlooks on the various areas we hike through. There may be slippery boardwalks, and uneven ground and boardwalks, and potential for washed out terrain.
You are in charge of your own transportation to/from the trailhead
Completed liability waiver, Covid acknowledgment and all other paperwork and payment required prior to adventure - or you may not participate.
Review of camping and backpacking skills throughout the weekend (if needed)
Guided meditation, journaling and stretching/movement (all optional)
This is an out and back style backpacking adventure
Friday 6 miles backpacking, Saturday 3 miles backpacking, Sunday 3 miles backpacking back to our vehicles
we will pack in-pack out everything (Leave No Trace).
meet like minded individuals and build community and friendships - feel free to spend your time how you like, rest, read, hike, explore, chat - this weekend can be as relaxing, as adventurous or as relaxing as you want it to be - - no ‘shoulds’ allowed.
Bon fires will depend on fire restrictions specific to the area we are in
Being in nature is fun, don’t forget to have FUN!! Remember that everyone was a beginner at some point, it’s important to ask questions, be open to learning and understand there is always more than one way to do something.
What’s the bathroom situation? On these trails there are exposed pit toilets along the way (typically near the campsites) meaning you’ll be sitting out in the open surrounded by trees but on a toilet that has a hole going deep into the ground. If you can’t make it to one of those, we’'ll go over how to dig a hole and properly Leave No Trace. (Real fun shit- pun intended)
Menstruating while we’re out there? Not a problem, just a learning curve, we’ll review that too!
Hate, disrespect, racism, sexism, and/or discrimination of any kind will NOT be tolerated, you will be asked to leave, no refunds.
Must complete & sign liability form/waivers/paperwork before participating.
Covid vaccinations are highly encouraged but are not required. Covid tests are no longer required prior to retreats.
If you are sick/feeling ill, DO NOT come on this adventure, there will be more! I promise.
If you’ve been in contact with anyone with Covid within 14 days prior to the adventure, please do not come, there will be other opportunities to join in on the fun in the future.
Please see the FAQs page for further questions or concerns regarding cancellations/postponing/refunds, if your answer is not found there, email me here.
Backpacking backpack ( I do have one for you to borrow if you need one, please let me know when you sign up)
Supportive hiking boots (ankle support recommended, already broken in is highly recommended or you will not have a good time- feet will hurt- ouch!)
Tent: I have 2 light single person backpacking tents available to borrow. If you have your own, or are coming with someone you know - this is a great opportunity to share a tent and split up the gear so that both of you will have less to carry- I have a tent to borrow you if needed.
Sleeping pad & sleeping bag
Water bottle(s)
Food: 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches and snacks for 3 days (dry meals are recommended to help keep your backpack’s weight lower)
A more extensive list of gear will be emailed to you after you sign up! But if you have questions or concerns please contact me and I’ll see what I can do to troubleshoot.
dry bag for your food and paracord (I will have one for each person to use on the trip, necessary to hang bear bags)
water filtration systems (you will get your own Sawyer filter system to bring home thanks to a kind gift from Sawyer)
jet-boil cooking systems for us to share
backpacking backpack and/or tent to borrow upon request/reservation
trekking poles are recommended to help with balance and navigating trail with your backpack on - we will review proper walking techniques and safety if needed ( I have 1 pair to borrow)
if you have your own jet boil or water filtration systems you are welcome to bring your own - just let me know ahead of time, because if we can save weight/divvy up gear we might as well save some weight where we can!
the total cost will be dependent upon whether you’ve chosen a solo, small group, or a solo-with your dog retreat
2 nights/3 days on the Superior Hiking Trail (location, date and duration subject to change under discretion of the guide, dependent upon unexpected weather or other emergency that would otherwise make it unsafe to be on the SHT)
an experienced guided backpacking adventure (Certified Wilderness First Responder)
I’m here for you as a sounding board, encouragement when you need it, a non-judgmental ear, or a shoulder to cry on - nature and activity can sometimes bring out the emotions, and that’s ok - I am here for you.
small intimate group of 1 guide and up to 3 attendees (depending on the advetue you chose)
review and education of backpacking, backcountry and camping skills
how to use the different water filtration systems
proper backpack packing and how to wear/adjust backpack
use of trekking poles, how to safely walk with a backpack, ascend and descend steeper sections
how to safely lift backpack
posture when backpacking to help distribute weight of pack and decrease back pain
safety tips and education for bear and moose encounters
optional guided meditation and movement/stretching, journaling prompts, and new/full moon ceremony
coffee and/or tea Saturday and Sunday mornings
a zoom call or in-person meet-up prior to the backpacking retreat
transportation to/from the trailhead
travel/cancellation insurance
gear (I can help you source rentals if you need it)
meals/beverages aside from coffee, tea, and water
whatever else not listed under what is included
Now, are you ready to get unruly?! Click the button below to fill out an application, once reviewed and accepted, you’ll be able to reserve your spot by purchasing a ticket. (no payment required to apply)
Small Group Cost Per Person : $525
Solo (one-one custom experience) : $875
Solo Retreat with your dog : $950
10% of your cost to attend this retreat automatically goes to the Unruly Women Scholarship Fund to help improve accessibility and inclusivity in outdoor spaces, if you want to learn more click here.

Fredenberg Creek Backpacking September Retreat (Intermediate) ASL Interpreter Available
Join me in backpacking through this rugged terrain, where we'll enjoy scenic views, overlooks, start gazing and beautiful autumn colors (weather/season permitting) along the Superior Hiking Trail. We’ll witness the strength of beautiful waterways, be immersed in foliage, trek through maple forests, dense pines and vast meadows and will have incredible overlooks along the way. Along this trail, we’ll travel over various terrain, that at times can be technical, with some steep ascents and descents, but overall gradual ascending and descending, stairs, wooden boardwalks and bridges that can become slippery when wet, some high step ups and step downs and obstacles - trekking poles are recommended. This is an intermediate-moderate trek where we’ll gain and descend significant elevation changes - but mostly gradually. We are not rushed, we will take our time, and all levels of experience are welcome. Along the trails, we’ll hike through wooded areas, along beautiful water features (boarded walkways are less stable in certain areas than others) with waterfalls and will have spectacular views from the overlooks but because of technical aspects and more mileage to cover with full backpacks - I'm considering it intermediate but open to all levels of experience.
Although we're covering more mileage in a day on this retreat, we'll still have the opportunity to learn valuable skills, and be able to enjoy our surroundings and rest. Roughly 5 miles is the most we will backpack at one time, we'll be setting up camp each night and breaking down camp each morning. Each of us, will be required to carry our own gear, make our own food, and put in the work to get to our destinations together. Keep in mind, although this is the plan, we need to be flexible with our plans, kind to ourselves, and kind to each other - as things don’t always go as planned and campsites are never guaranteed on trail, but we’ll figure it out! It’s all part of the adventure :)
There is a chance that we’ll see bears, beavers, wolves, coyotes, mountain lion, moose, deer, and various birds- but sightings are not guaranteed. We will absolutely review safety / what to do if we were to encounter these animals prior to our retreat, although it's unlikely we'll encounter bear, moose, mountain lion, wolves and coyotes - - it's important to acknowledge this possibility and be prepared.
This retreat will be nearing the Strawberry full moon. We’ll utilize some time for meditation, journaling and a ‘letting go’ ceremony around the bonfire Saturday night (weather permitting). This is not required, if it’s not your jam, but I do feel it adds to the experience.
Location: the trailhead where we will meet is roughly 1.5 hours drive north of Duluth, MN (exact location will be provided after you have signed up, prior to the adventure)
Morning of September 27 - Early Afternoon of September 29, 2024
Deadline to sign up:
August 30, 2024
***Destination, location and distance are subject to change at the discretion of Unruly Women LLC / guide of the retreat. Changes may depend on weather, natural disaster, closures, safety of each individual, etc; be expected to be flexible, we are at the will of Mother Nature and will not put you/our lives at risk, but also understand that you are your own person to make your own decisions and your choices are your own. (see cancellation/refund policy on FAQs page)***
individuals aged 18 or older (past trips have generally had 24 years to over 60 years of age)
open registration to ALL female identifying, femme and non-binary individuals (see FAQs page to see if Unruly Women is a safe/comfortable space for you)
ASL interpreter available upon request, no additional cost
open to all experience levels, but please consider level of mileage and obstacles, a level of strength and endurance and balance is required for safety
3 person max, unless you are attending with someone you’re willing to share a tent with - then this is negotiable and will allow for more people
Must be able to hike up to 5.5 miles in one day over varying terrain, stairs, over logs, while carrying up to 40 pounds
There are some technical obstacles along the trail, stairs, high step up or downs, rocks, elevation changes and overlooks on the various areas we hike through. There may be slippery boardwalks, and uneven ground and boardwalks, and potential for washed out terrain.
You are in charge of your own transportation to/from the trailhead
Completed liability waiver, Covid acknowledgment and all other paperwork and payment required prior to adventure - or you may not participate.
Review of camping and backpacking skills throughout the weekend (if needed)
Guided meditation, journaling and stretching/movement (all optional)
This is an out and back style backpacking adventure
Friday 5.5 miles backpacking, Saturday 3.5 miles backpacking, Sunday 2 miles backpacking back to our vehicles
we will pack in-pack out everything (Leave No Trace).
meet like minded individuals and build community and friendships - feel free to spend your time how you like, rest, read, hike, explore, chat - this weekend can be as relaxing, as adventurous or as relaxing as you want it to be - - no ‘shoulds’ allowed.
Bon fires will depend on fire restrictions specific to the area we are in
Being in nature is fun, don’t forget to have FUN!! Remember that everyone was a beginner at some point, it’s important to ask questions, be open to learning and understand there is always more than one way to do something.
What’s the bathroom situation? On these trails there are exposed pit toilets along the way (typically near the campsites) meaning you’ll be sitting out in the open surrounded by trees but on a toilet that has a hole going deep into the ground. If you can’t make it to one of those, we’'ll go over how to dig a hole and properly Leave No Trace. (Real fun shit- pun intended)
Menstruating while we’re out there? Not a problem, just a learning curve, we’ll review that too!
Hate, disrespect, racism, sexism, and/or discrimination of any kind will NOT be tolerated, you will be asked to leave, no refunds.
Must complete & sign liability form/waivers/paperwork before participating.
Covid vaccinations are highly encouraged but are not required. Although, documented proof of a negative Covid test is required upon arrival no more that 48 hours prior to adventure or you will be turned away for the safety of you and the group. Distancing and masks might be required depending on the status of covid numbers at the time of our retreat.
If you are sick/feeling ill, DO NOT come on this adventure, there will be more! I promise.
If you’ve been in contact with anyone with Covid within 14 days prior to the adventure, please do not come, there will be other opportunities to join in on the fun in the future.
Please see the FAQs page for further questions or concerns regarding cancellations/postponing/refunds, if your answer is not found there, email me here.
Backpacking backpack ( I do have one for you to borrow if you need one, please let me know when you sign up)
Supportive hiking boots (ankle support recommended, already broken in is highly recommended or you will not have a good time- feet will hurt- ouch!)
Tent: I have 2 light single person backpacking tents available to borrow. If you have your own, or are coming with someone you know - this is a great opportunity to share a tent and split up the gear so that both of you will have less to carry- I have a tent to borrow you if needed.
Sleeping pad & sleeping bag
Water bottle(s)
Food: 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches and snacks for 3 days (dry meals are recommended to help keep your backpack’s weight lower)
A more extensive list of gear will be emailed to you after you sign up! But if you have questions or concerns please contact me and I’ll see what I can do to troubleshoot.
dry bag for your food and paracord (I will have one for each person to use on the trip, necessary to hang bear bags)
water filtration systems (you will receive a Sawyer brand water filter to bring home, thanks to a generous gift from Sawyer).
jet-boil cooking systems for us to share
backpacking backpack to borrow
trekking poles are recommended to help with balance and navigating trail with your backpack on - we will review proper walking techniques and safety if needed ( I have 1 pair to borrow)
if you have your own jet boil or water filtration systems you are welcome to bring your own - just let me know ahead of time, because if we can save weight/divvy up gear we might as well save some weight where we can!
the total cost will be dependent upon whether you’ve chosen a solo, small group, or a solo-with your dog retreat
2 nights/3 days on the Superior Hiking Trail (location, date and duration subject to change under discretion of the guide, dependent upon unexpected weather or other emergency that would otherwise make it unsafe to be on the SHT)
an experienced guided backpacking adventure (Certified Wilderness First Responder)
I’m here for you as a sounding board, encouragement when you need it, a non-judgmental ear, or a shoulder to cry on - nature and activity can sometimes bring out the emotions, and that’s ok - I am here for you.
small intimate group of 1 guide and up to 3 attendees
review and education of backpacking, backcountry and camping skills
how to use the different water filtration systems
proper backpack packing and how to wear/adjust backpack
use of trekking poles, how to safely walk with a backpack, ascend and descend steeper sections
how to safely lift backpack
proper posture when wearing a backpacking to help decrease back pain
safety tips and education for bear and moose encounters
optional guided meditation and movement/stretching, journaling prompts, and new/full moon ceremony
coffee and/or tea Saturday and Sunday mornings
a zoom call or in-person meet-up prior to the backpacking retreat
transportation to/from the trailhead
travel/cancellation insurance
gear (I can help you source rentals if you need it)
meals/beverages aside from coffee, tea, and water
whatever else not listed under what is included
Now, are you ready to get unruly?! Click the button below to fill out an application, once reviewed and accepted, you’ll be able to reserve your spot by purchasing a ticket. (no payment required to apply)
Small Group Cost Per Person : $525
Solo (one-one custom experience) : $875
Solo Retreat with your dog : $950
10% of your cost to attend this retreat automatically goes to the Unruly Women Scholarship Fund to help improve accessibility and inclusivity in outdoor spaces, if you want to learn more click here.

Sonju Lake Backpacking September Retreat (Beginner/Intermediate)
Join me in backpacking this beautiful section of the Superior Hiking Trail. We’ll witness the strength of the Baptism river, the calm and quiet of Egge lake and a beautiful island on Sonju Lake. Along this trail, we’ll travel over various terrain, that at times can be technical, but overall is relatively flat with some gradual ascending and descending, wooden boardwalks and bridges that can become slippery when wet, some high step ups and step downs - trekking poles are recommended. This route is beginner friendly, but has more mileage to cover with full backpacks - so I'm considering it intermediate and open to all levels of experience.
Although we're covering more mileage in a day on this retreat, we'll still have the opportunity to learn valuable skills, and be able to enjoy our surroundings and rest. 6 miles is the most we will backpack at one time, we'll be setting up camp each night and breaking down camp each morning. Each of us, will be required to carry our own gear, make our own food, and put in the work to get to our destinations together. Keep in mind, although this is the plan, we need to be flexible with our plans, kind to ourselves, and kind to each other - as things don’t always go as planned and campsites are never guaranteed on trail, but we’ll figure it out! It’s all part of the adventure :)
There is a chance that we’ll see bears, beavers, wolves, coyotes, mountain lion, moose, deer, and various birds- but sightings are not guaranteed. We will absolutely review safety / what to do if we were to encounter these animals prior to our retreat, although it's unlikely we'll encounter bear, moose, mountain lion, wolves and coyotes - - it's important to acknowledge this possibility and be prepared.
This retreat will be around the New Moon. We’ll utilize some time for meditation, journaling and a ‘planting seeds’ or intention setting ceremony around the bonfire Saturday night (weather permitting). This is not required, if it’s not your jam, but I do feel it adds to the experience.
Location: the trailhead where we will meet is roughly 1 hour drive north of Duluth, MN (exact location will be provided after you have signed up, prior to the adventure)
Morning of September 20 - Early Afternoon of September 22, 2024
Deadline to sign up:
September 6 , 2024
***Destination, location and distance are subject to change at the discretion of Unruly Women LLC / guide of the retreat. Changes may depend on weather, natural disaster, closures, safety of each individual, etc; be expected to be flexible, we are at the will of Mother Nature and will not put you/our lives at risk, but also understand that you are your own person to make your own decisions and your choices are your own. (see cancellation/refund policy on FAQs page)***
individuals aged 18 or older (past trips have generally had 24 years to over 60 years of age)
open registration to ALL female identifying, femme and non-binary individuals (see FAQs page to see if Unruly Women is a safe/comfortable space for you)
open to all experience levels
3 person max, unless you are attending with someone you’re willing to share a tent with - then this is negotiable and will allow for more people
Must be able to hike up to 6 miles in one day over varying terrain, stairs, over logs, while carrying up to 40 pounds
There are some technical obstacles along the trail, stairs, high step up or downs, rocks, elevation changes and overlooks on the various areas we hike through. There may be slippery boardwalks, and uneven ground and boardwalks, and potential for washed out terrain.
You are in charge of your own transportation to/from the trailhead
Completed liability waiver, Covid acknowledgment and all other paperwork and payment required prior to adventure - or you may not participate.
Review of camping and backpacking skills throughout the weekend (if needed)
Guided meditation, journaling and stretching/movement (all optional)
This is an out and back style backpacking adventure
Friday 6 miles backpacking, Saturday 3 miles backpacking, Sunday 3 miles backpacking back to our vehicles
we will pack in-pack out everything (Leave No Trace).
meet like minded individuals and build community and friendships - feel free to spend your time how you like, rest, read, hike, explore, chat - this weekend can be as relaxing, as adventurous or as relaxing as you want it to be - - no ‘shoulds’ allowed.
Bon fires will depend on fire restrictions specific to the area we are in
Being in nature is fun, don’t forget to have FUN!! Remember that everyone was a beginner at some point, it’s important to ask questions, be open to learning and understand there is always more than one way to do something.
What’s the bathroom situation? On these trails there are exposed pit toilets along the way (typically near the campsites) meaning you’ll be sitting out in the open surrounded by trees but on a toilet that has a hole going deep into the ground. If you can’t make it to one of those, we’'ll go over how to dig a hole and properly Leave No Trace. (Real fun shit- pun intended)
Menstruating while we’re out there? Not a problem, just a learning curve, we’ll review that too!
Hate, disrespect, racism, sexism, and/or discrimination of any kind will NOT be tolerated, you will be asked to leave, no refunds.
Must complete & sign liability form/waivers/paperwork before participating.
Covid vaccinations are highly encouraged but are not required. Covid tests are no longer required prior to retreats.
If you are sick/feeling ill, DO NOT come on this adventure, there will be more! I promise.
If you’ve been in contact with anyone with Covid within 14 days prior to the adventure, please do not come, there will be other opportunities to join in on the fun in the future.
Please see the FAQs page for further questions or concerns regarding cancellations/postponing/refunds, if your answer is not found there, email me here.
Backpacking backpack ( I do have one for you to borrow if you need one, please let me know when you sign up)
Supportive hiking boots (ankle support recommended, already broken in is highly recommended or you will not have a good time- feet will hurt- ouch!)
Tent: I have 2 light single person backpacking tents available to borrow. If you have your own, or are coming with someone you know - this is a great opportunity to share a tent and split up the gear so that both of you will have less to carry- I have a tent to borrow you if needed.
Sleeping pad & sleeping bag
Water bottle(s)
Food: 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches and snacks for 3 days (dry meals are recommended to help keep your backpack’s weight lower)
A more extensive list of gear will be emailed to you after you sign up! But if you have questions or concerns please contact me and I’ll see what I can do to troubleshoot.
dry bag for your food and paracord (I will have one for each person to use on the trip, necessary to hang bear bags)
water filtration systems (you will get your own Sawyer filter system to bring home thanks to a kind gift from Sawyer)
jet-boil cooking systems for us to share
backpacking backpack and/or tent to borrow upon request/reservation
trekking poles are recommended to help with balance and navigating trail with your backpack on - we will review proper walking techniques and safety if needed ( I have 1 pair to borrow)
if you have your own jet boil or water filtration systems you are welcome to bring your own - just let me know ahead of time, because if we can save weight/divvy up gear we might as well save some weight where we can!
the total cost will be dependent upon whether you’ve chosen a solo, small group, or a solo-with your dog retreat
2 nights/3 days on the Superior Hiking Trail (location, date and duration subject to change under discretion of the guide, dependent upon unexpected weather or other emergency that would otherwise make it unsafe to be on the SHT)
an experienced guided backpacking adventure (Certified Wilderness First Responder)
I’m here for you as a sounding board, encouragement when you need it, a non-judgmental ear, or a shoulder to cry on - nature and activity can sometimes bring out the emotions, and that’s ok - I am here for you.
small intimate group of 1 guide and up to 3 attendees (depending on the advetue you chose)
review and education of backpacking, backcountry and camping skills
how to use the different water filtration systems
proper backpack packing and how to wear/adjust backpack
use of trekking poles, how to safely walk with a backpack, ascend and descend steeper sections
how to safely lift backpack
posture when backpacking to help distribute weight of pack and decrease back pain
safety tips and education for bear and moose encounters
optional guided meditation and movement/stretching, journaling prompts, and new/full moon ceremony
coffee and/or tea Saturday and Sunday mornings
a zoom call or in-person meet-up prior to the backpacking retreat
transportation to/from the trailhead
travel/cancellation insurance
gear (I can help you source rentals if you need it)
meals/beverages aside from coffee, tea, and water
whatever else not listed under what is included
Now, are you ready to get unruly?! Click the button below to fill out an application, once reviewed and accepted, you’ll be able to reserve your spot by purchasing a ticket. (no payment required to apply)
Small Group Cost Per Person : $525
Solo (one-one custom experience) : $875
Solo Retreat with your dog : $950
10% of your cost to attend this retreat automatically goes to the Unruly Women Scholarship Fund to help improve accessibility and inclusivity in outdoor spaces, if you want to learn more click here.

Mindful + Educational Community Hiking Experience with the MN DNR
Unearth your inner wild and build confidence through mindfulness, journaling and grounding practices, plant identification, rock geology and a hike at the uniquely pink Iona’s Beach Scientific and Natural Area on Lake Superior.
This event will be hosted by Monica from Unruly Women and Arika from the MN DNR :)
This event is possible thanks to the MN DNR and the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund.
All ages welcome at this event (minors must be accompanied by an adult/guardian)
Please register by signing up below, this is limited to 20 people. Once signed up, you will receive more details.
Learn safety and technique for safe hiking and recreating along this shore of Lake Superior and the trails throughout this Scientific Natural Area.
Join in grounding meditation and journaling prompts to help you be more present and mindful while enjoying this beautiful place.
Leaving this event, you’ll have the knowledge and skills necessary to help you feel more confident while enjoying parks like this one on Lake Superior.
This will be a great opportunity to practice
leave no trace ethics by drawing and note-taking about the plants and trees that are found
along the North Shore of Lake Superior, creating a memory keepsake and leaving nature as we
find it.
Learn about plant and tree identification and the unique rock geology of this pink beach on Lake Superior from Arika with the Minnesota DNR.
Parking is available at Twin Points Protected Parking Access lot which is about 20 minutes north of Two Harbors between Gooseberry Falls State Park and Split Rock Lighthouse State Park.
water to drink
comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots
your favorite journaling supplies / something to write on (notebook, paper, etc)
utensil(s) to write and / or draw with (feel free to get creative as long as you’re able to carry it easily)
Please Sign Up by registering below - - Choose the appropriate date (there is an August and September event).

Superior Hiking Trail Women’s Volunteer Weekend: Mission Creek Part 2
Mission Creek Part 2
Join the SHTA and Unruly Women for a 3 day event September 13th, 14th, and 15th as we reroute a section of trail near Mission Creek (not far from Duluth).
The SHTA is the nonprofit that manages, maintains, and promotes the Superior Hiking Trail.
For the past two years, Unruly Women has had the opportunity to partner with the Superior Hiking Trail Association to bring together incredible groups of women to help reroute and rebuild sections of the Superior Hiking Trail. Long lasting friendships have been made through these incredible experiences and of course, amazing trail work has been accomplished too!
This will be the 3rd Annual SHTA + Unruly Women Trail Maintenance Weekend. It is now considered an established program with the SHTA!! Thank you so much for your interest and participation so that we can continue this awesome trail work experience.
Activities will include digging with shovels and hand tools to create the new tread. We will also build structures (either stairs or boardwalk). All tools and training will be provided by SHTA. You do not need any prior experience in trail work, you will be taught on site and are encouraged to work within your comfort level - you will never have to do anything you’re not comfortable doing.
Campsites and dinners are provided
Expect a 0.5 mile hike from the trailhead to get to the project, which means roughly 1 mile roundtrip.
Volunteering is a great opportunity to learn more about the areas we recreate in, about the work that goes into maintaining trail systems we use, and to not only give back to the community but to become a part of the community.
This volunteer event is free, the campsites and dinners are provided by the SHTA, and all you need is transportation to the campground, your own camping gear, food and water, and whatever else you normally bring camping.
You have the option to camp in our group sites Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, but ultimately it's up to you what works with your schedule, as long as you can make it for the 8:30am start time Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday until 4:30pm each or either day!
Although this will be hard work, we want you to work at your own pace and take any breaks you need.
This is a beginner-friendly event. No experience is necessary. Come learn about trail maintenance in a welcoming and safe environment.
This is an event for women, which means all folks who are female identifying and/or femme leaning non-binary individuals.
Please click the button below to head over to the SHTA’s sign up page for more details.
In order to attend, you must click the button below to sign up for each day that you’re able to volunteer.
Sign up for all 3 dates, or just the dates that work with your schedule - - it’s not an all or nothing, we appreciate any and all help we can get!
You must sign up for each day that you intend to volunteer / participate (by following the link below)
Please read through all information and watch the necessary videos (by following the link below)
Click the (+) below to expand the information for each topic.
We will be camping at Jay Cooke State Park, this accommodation is kindly covered by the Superior Hiking Trail Association
You must bring your own camping gear, you are welcome to camp in your car if that’s your preference
Campsites will be available Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday night
Dinners will be provided by the Superior Hiking Trail Association
You are in charge of brining sufficient snacks, lunches, breakfasts, and water for yourself
Shared Campsite Accommodations : Jay Cooke State Park
Trail Worksite: Mission Creek
Nearby : Duluth, MN
This event is for all female identifying and femme leaning non-binary individuals
ages 12-17 are welcome if accompanied by a parent or guardian
you must be able to hike 1 mile (roundtrip)
your own transportation
camping gear for yourself (anything you would normally bring camping like tent, sleeping bay, sleeping pad, etc)
ability to hike 1 mile
your own food and water (breakfasts, lunches, and snacks)
I also recommend to bring a backpack to carry your snack/lunch/water/personal items to the worksite

Mountain Biking + Yoga All-Inclusive Wellness Retreat at ROAM featuring New Moon Bike Shop and more!
*deadline to sign up is September 22nd, 2024
Unruly Women, is bringing you another year of mountain biking retreats!
During this retreat, we will be staying at Roam Adventure Basecamp where we will have ride access right from our campsites.
Besides the fact that we’re bringing together a group of rad women to ride the CAMBA mountain bike trails together - here are the details:
3 nights / 4 days at ROAM Adventure Basecamp in Hayward, WI
shared campsite or cabin (the whole group of 15 will be staying throughout Roam Adventure Basecamp) campsite and cabin tickets are priced differently, choose your option below
gentle yoga taught by Jess Friday-Sunday
meals (including coffee, tea)
Because people may be coming in at different times Thursday afternoon/evening DINNER will be casual grilling and BBQing hot dogs and burgers - carnivore and vegetarian options - along with an assortment of side dishes.
BREAKFAST Friday, Saturday + Sunday will be catered by Velo Cafe in Cable, WI.
LUNCH Friday and Saturday will be back at camp. Either catered by Velo Cafe or a charcuterie style spread with an assortment full of protein, salty snacks, fruits, veggies and much more! FOOD IS FUEL!
DINNER Friday and Saturday are also included!
We’ll have SNACKS available too throughout the weekend - there’s nothing worse, than not enough food while out riding!
There are restaurants nearby too, if weather isn’t best for cooking outdoors, we’ll order in some pizzas and get creative :)
We understand dietary and allergy restrictions vary and we’ll do our best to accommodate, but can’t guarantee to accommodate all - - this will be camp style eating.
certified bike mechanics
mountain bike group rides together, optional mileage distances (Friday, Saturday and optional Sunday morning)
Finish the day or begin your morning by using Roam’s Finnish wood-fired sauna
Access to Roam’s state of the art eco-friendly shower facility -coin operated-with heated flooring and toilets
pre-ride bike checks with certified specialists
a swag bag with awesome gifts from Unruly Women, SRAM, MountainFlow Eco Wax, Embark Maple, and from New Moon Bike Shop - - Giant, Specialized, Beehive Botanicals (local)
a how-to clean and lube your bike workshop Friday morning from local New Moon Bike Shop from 10-11am
skills clinics and group rides put on by cerified BICP coaches
your own transportation to Roam Adventure Basecamp
your own camping gear (you may also sleep in your car if you prefer)
bedding (if you’re staying in a cabin)
bike rentals through New Moon Bike Shop in Hayward, WI - please let me know if you’ll be needing a rental and I can connect you!
any favorite food or snacks of yours that we might not be providing (or special dietary restricted foods)
you must be age 18 or older
you must know how to ride a bike
you must have a well functioning mountain bike - or choose the rental option at checkout (we will be doing a bike check to ensure everyone has a bike that is safe to use)
you must sign the waivers prior to participating in this event (an email will be sent after ticket purchase and prior to the event)
deadline to sign up is August 7th, 2024
any other questions regarding refunds, please see the FAQs page
travel insurance is recommended but not required
individuals aged 18 or older (past trips have generally had 24 years to over 60 years of age)
open registration to ALL female identifying, femme and non-binary individuals (see FAQs page to see if Unruly Women is a safe/comfortable space for you)
open to all experience levels12 person max, with 2-4 skilled professionals at all times
Thanks to the Hungry Bear 100 Gravel Race and New Moon Bike Shop, there is one scholarship for $500 towards registration, please click the link below, if you're interested.
Priority for scholarships is given to those who have historically been excluded and underrepresented in outdoor spaces.
As part of Unruly Women’s (ongoing) work to help improve inclusivity, equity and help diversify outdoor spaces, as an individual of the LGBTQIA+ and/or BBIPOC communities you are encouraged regardless of income level to participate in the 20% discounted rate for this biking retreat.
Please use code:
If you would like to learn more, please see the FAQs page by clicking HERE.
Section 13 to Egge Lake Backpacking Retreat August (Hard/Difficult)
Join me while we backpack through this rugged terrain, where we’ll enjoy scenic overlooks, star gazing (weather permitting), and various terrain and landscapes that all have different experiences to offer. Depending on the weather, we may have the chance to witness the beautiful leaves changing colors! This retreat is considered difficult/strenuous because of the terrain and mileage covered, we're in no rush and we will take our time. Backpacking experience is not required, but the physical ability to hike 10 miles in one day with a heavy backpack over obstacles, up and down steep ascents and descents, over occasionally sketchy or uneven boardwalks - is required. Trekking poles are recommended. Along the trails, we’ll hike through wooded areas, over open water (boarded walkways are less stable in certain areas than others), over a boardwalk through a beaver pond, through bogs, and scramble rocky areas - all while the rugged landscape provide spectacular views.
Although we're covering more mileage in a day on this retreat, we'll still have the opportunity to learn valuable skills, and be able to enjoy our surroundings - some might describe this as 'type 2 fun'. 10 miles is the most we will backpack at one time, we'll be setting up camp each night and breaking down camp each morning. Each of us, will be required to carry our own gear, make our own food, and put in the work to get to our destinations together. Keep in mind, although this is the plan, we need to be flexible with our plans, kind to ourselves, and kind to each other - as things don’t always go as planned and campsites are never guaranteed on trail, but we’ll figure it out! It’s all part of the adventure :)
There is a chance that we’ll see bears, beavers, wolves, coyotes, mountain lion, moose, deer, and various birds- but sightings are not guaranteed. We will absolutely review safety / what to do if we were to encounter these animals prior to our retreat, although it's unlikely we'll encounter bear, moose, mountain lion, wolves and coyotes - - it's important to acknowledge this possibility and be prepared.
This retreat will be around the New Moon. We’ll utilize some time for meditation, journaling and a ‘planting seeds’ intention setting ceremony around the bonfire Saturday night (weather permitting). This is not required, if it’s not your jam, but I do feel it adds to the experience.
Location: the trailhead where we will meet is roughly 1 hour drive north of Duluth, MN (exact location will be provided after you have signed up, prior to the adventure)
Morning of August 30 - early afternoon of September 1st, 2024
Deadline to sign up:
August 9, 2024
***Destination, location and distance are subject to change at the discretion of Unruly Women LLC / guide of the retreat. Changes may depend on weather, natural disaster, closures, safety of each individual, etc; be expected to be flexible, we are at the will of Mother Nature and will not put you/our lives at risk, but also understand that you are your own person to make your own decisions and your choices are your own. (see cancellation/refund policy on FAQs page)***
individuals aged 18 or older (past trips have generally had 26 years to over 60 years of age)
open registration to ALL female identifying and femme leaning non-binary humans
open to all experience levels, although level of strength, balance and endurance to backpack up to 10 miles over varying terrain and obstacles are required for safety of the individual and group
3 person max, unless you are attending with someone you’re willing to share a tent with - then this is negotiable and will allow for more people
Must be able to backpack up to 10 miles in one day over varying terrain, stairs, rocks/boulders, exposed cliffside overlooks, over logs and uneven boardwalks over water, while carrying up to 40 pounds
There are very technical obstacles and features along the trail, stairs, high step up or downs, boardwalks over water and bogs (sometimes uneven and will be slippery if wet), significant elevation changes and exposed overlooks on the various areas we hike through
You are in charge of your own transportation to/from the trailhead
Completed liability waiver, Covid acknowledgment and all other paperwork required prior to adventure - or you may not participate.
Review of camping and backpacking skills throughout the weekend (if needed)
Guided meditation, journaling and stretching/movement (all optional)
This is an out and back style backpacking adventure
Friday 10 miles backpacking, Saturday 8 miles backpacking, Sunday less than 2 miles backpacking back to our vehicles
we will pack in-pack out everything (Leave No Trace).
meet like minded individuals and build community and friendships - feel free to spend your time how you like, rest, read, hike, explore, chat - this weekend can be as relaxing, as adventurous or as relaxing as you want it to be - - no ‘shoulds’ allowed.
Bon fires will depend on fire restrictions specific to the area we are in
Being in nature is fun, don’t forget to have FUN!! Remember that everyone was a beginner at some point, it’s important to ask questions, be open to learning and understand there is always more than one way to do something.
What’s the bathroom situation? On these trails there are exposed pit toilets along the way (typically near the campsites) meaning you’ll be sitting out in the open surrounded by trees but on a toilet that has a hole going deep into the ground. If you can’t make it to one of those, we’'ll go over how to dig a hole and properly Leave No Trace. (Real fun shit- pun intended)
Menstruating while we’re out there? Not a problem, just a learning curve, we’ll review that too!
Hate, disrespect, racism, sexism, and/or discrimination of any kind will NOT be tolerated, you will be asked to leave, no refunds.
Must complete & sign liability form/waivers/paperwork before participating.
Covid vaccinations are highly encouraged but are not required. Although, documented proof of a negative Covid test is required upon arrival no more that 48 hours prior to adventure or you will be turned away for the safety of you and the group. Distancing and masks might be required depending on the status of covid numbers at the time of our retreat.
If you are sick/feeling ill, DO NOT come on this adventure, there will be more! I promise.
If you’ve been in contact with anyone with Covid within 14 days prior to the adventure, please do not come, there will be other opportunities to join in on the fun in the future.
Please see the FAQs page for further questions or concerns regarding cancellations/postponing/refunds, if your answer is not found there, email me here.
Backpacking backpack ( I do have one for you to borrow if you need one, please let me know when you sign up)
Supportive hiking boots (ankle support recommended, already broken in is highly recommended or you will not have a good time- feet will hurt- ouch!)
Tent: I have 2 light single person backpacking tents available to borrow. If you have your own, or are coming with someone you know - this is a great opportunity to share a tent and split up the gear so that both of you will have less to carry- I have a tent to borrow you if needed.
Sleeping pad & sleeping bag
Water bottle(s)
Food: 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches and snacks for 3 days (dry meals are recommended to help keep your backpack’s weight lower)
A more extensive list of gear will be emailed to you after you sign up! But if you have questions or concerns please contact me and I’ll see what I can do to troubleshoot.
dry bag for your food and paracord (I will have one for each person to use on the trip, necessary to hang bear bags)
water filtration systems (you will receive a Sayer brand water filter to take home thanks to a generous gift from Sawyer.)
jet-boil cooking systems for us to share
backpacking backpack to borrow
trekking poles are recommended to help with balance and navigating trail with your backpack on - we will review proper walking techniques and safety if needed ( I have 1 pair to borrow)
if you have your own jet boil or water filtration systems you are welcome to bring your own - just let me know ahead of time, because if we can save weight/divvy up gear we might as well save some weight where we can!
2 nights/3 days on the Superior Hiking Trail (location, date and duration subject to change under discretion of the guide, dependent upon unexpected weather or other emergency that would otherwise make it unsafe to be on the SHT)
an experienced guided backpacking adventure (Certified Wilderness First Responder)
I’m here for you as a sounding board, encouragement when you need it, a non-judgmental ear, or a shoulder to cry on - nature and activity can sometimes bring out the emotions, and that’s ok - I am here for you.
small intimate group of 1 guide and up to 3 attendees
review and education of backpacking, backcountry and camping skills
how to use the different water filtration systems
proper backpack packing and how to wear/adjust backpack
use of trekking poles, how to safely walk with a backpack, ascend and descend steeper sections
how to safely lift backpack
safety tips and education for bear and moose encounters
optional guided meditation and movement/stretching, journaling prompts, and new/full moon ceremony
coffee and/or tea Saturday and Sunday mornings
a zoom call or in-person meet-up prior to the backpacking retreat
transportation to/from the trailhead
travel/cancellation insurance
gear (I can help you source rentals if you need it)
meals/beverages aside from coffee, tea, and water
whatever else not listed under what is included
Now, are you ready to get unruly?! Click the button below to fill out an application, once reviewed and accepted, you’ll be able to reserve your spot by purchasing a ticket. (no payment required to apply)
Small Group Cost Per Person : $525
Solo (one-one custom experience) : $875
Solo Retreat with your dog : $950
10% of your cost to attend this retreat automatically goes to the Unruly Women Scholarship Fund to help improve accessibility and inclusivity in outdoor spaces, if you want to learn more click here.

Fredenberg Creek Backpacking August Retreat (Intermediate)
Join me in backpacking through this rugged terrain, where we'll enjoy scenic views, overlooks, start gazing and beautiful autumn colors (weather/season permitting) along the Superior Hiking Trail. We’ll witness the strength of beautiful waterways, be immersed in foliage, trek through maple forests, dense pines and vast meadows and will have incredible overlooks along the way. Along this trail, we’ll travel over various terrain, that at times can be technical, with some steep ascents and descents, but overall gradual ascending and descending, stairs, wooden boardwalks and bridges that can become slippery when wet, some high step ups and step downs and obstacles - trekking poles are recommended. This is an intermediate-moderate trek where we’ll gain and descend significant elevation changes - but mostly gradually. We are not rushed, we will take our time, and all levels of experience are welcome. Along the trails, we’ll hike through wooded areas, along beautiful water features (boarded walkways are less stable in certain areas than others) with waterfalls and will have spectacular views from the overlooks but because of technical aspects and more mileage to cover with full backpacks - I'm considering it intermediate but open to all levels of experience.
Although we're covering more mileage in a day on this retreat, we'll still have the opportunity to learn valuable skills, and be able to enjoy our surroundings and rest. Roughly 5.5 miles is the most we will backpack at one time, we'll be setting up camp each night and breaking down camp each morning. Each of us, will be required to carry our own gear, make our own food, and put in the work to get to our destinations together. Keep in mind, although this is the plan, we need to be flexible with our plans, kind to ourselves, and kind to each other - as things don’t always go as planned and campsites are never guaranteed on trail, but we’ll figure it out! It’s all part of the adventure :)
There is a chance that we’ll see bears, beavers, wolves, coyotes, mountain lion, moose, deer, and various birds- but sightings are not guaranteed. We will absolutely review safety / what to do if we were to encounter these animals prior to our retreat, although it's unlikely we'll encounter bear, moose, mountain lion, wolves and coyotes - - it's important to acknowledge this possibility and be prepared.
This retreat will be nearing the Strawberry full moon. We’ll utilize some time for meditation, journaling and a ‘letting go’ ceremony around the bonfire Saturday night (weather permitting). This is not required, if it’s not your jam, but I do feel it adds to the experience.
Location: the trailhead where we will meet is roughly 1.5 hours drive north of Duluth, MN (exact location will be provided after you have signed up, prior to the adventure)
Morning of August 23 - Early Afternoon of August 25, 2024
Deadline to sign up:
August 9, 2024
***Destination, location and distance are subject to change at the discretion of Unruly Women LLC / guide of the retreat. Changes may depend on weather, natural disaster, closures, safety of each individual, etc; be expected to be flexible, we are at the will of Mother Nature and will not put you/our lives at risk, but also understand that you are your own person to make your own decisions and your choices are your own. (see cancellation/refund policy on FAQs page)***
individuals aged 18 or older (past trips have generally had 24 years to over 60 years of age)
open registration to ALL female identifying, femme and non-binary individuals (see FAQs page to see if Unruly Women is a safe/comfortable space for you)
open to all experience levels, but please consider level of mileage and obstacles, a level of strength and endurance and balance is required for safety
3 person max, unless you are attending with someone you’re willing to share a tent with - then this is negotiable and will allow for more people
Must be able to hike up to 5.5 miles in one day over varying terrain, stairs, over logs, while carrying up to 40 pounds
There are some technical obstacles along the trail, stairs, high step up or downs, rocks, elevation changes and overlooks on the various areas we hike through. There may be slippery boardwalks, and uneven ground and boardwalks, and potential for washed out terrain.
You are in charge of your own transportation to/from the trailhead
Completed liability waiver, Covid acknowledgment and all other paperwork and payment required prior to adventure - or you may not participate.
Review of camping and backpacking skills throughout the weekend (if needed)
Guided meditation, journaling and stretching/movement (all optional)
This is an out and back style backpacking adventure
Friday 5.5 miles backpacking, Saturday 3.5 miles backpacking, Sunday 2 miles backpacking back to our vehicles
we will pack in-pack out everything (Leave No Trace).
meet like minded individuals and build community and friendships - feel free to spend your time how you like, rest, read, hike, explore, chat - this weekend can be as relaxing, as adventurous or as relaxing as you want it to be - - no ‘shoulds’ allowed.
Bon fires will depend on fire restrictions specific to the area we are in
Being in nature is fun, don’t forget to have FUN!! Remember that everyone was a beginner at some point, it’s important to ask questions, be open to learning and understand there is always more than one way to do something.
What’s the bathroom situation? On these trails there are exposed pit toilets along the way (typically near the campsites) meaning you’ll be sitting out in the open surrounded by trees but on a toilet that has a hole going deep into the ground. If you can’t make it to one of those, we’'ll go over how to dig a hole and properly Leave No Trace. (Real fun shit- pun intended)
Menstruating while we’re out there? Not a problem, just a learning curve, we’ll review that too!
Hate, disrespect, racism, sexism, and/or discrimination of any kind will NOT be tolerated, you will be asked to leave, no refunds.
Must complete & sign liability form/waivers/paperwork before participating.
Covid vaccinations are highly encouraged but are not required. Although, documented proof of a negative Covid test is required upon arrival no more that 48 hours prior to adventure or you will be turned away for the safety of you and the group. Distancing and masks might be required depending on the status of covid numbers at the time of our retreat.
If you are sick/feeling ill, DO NOT come on this adventure, there will be more! I promise.
If you’ve been in contact with anyone with Covid within 14 days prior to the adventure, please do not come, there will be other opportunities to join in on the fun in the future.
Please see the FAQs page for further questions or concerns regarding cancellations/postponing/refunds, if your answer is not found there, email me here.
Backpacking backpack ( I do have one for you to borrow if you need one, please let me know when you sign up)
Supportive hiking boots (ankle support recommended, already broken in is highly recommended or you will not have a good time- feet will hurt- ouch!)
Tent: I have 2 light single person backpacking tents available to borrow. If you have your own, or are coming with someone you know - this is a great opportunity to share a tent and split up the gear so that both of you will have less to carry- I have a tent to borrow you if needed.
Sleeping pad & sleeping bag
Water bottle(s)
Food: 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches and snacks for 3 days (dry meals are recommended to help keep your backpack’s weight lower)
A more extensive list of gear will be emailed to you after you sign up! But if you have questions or concerns please contact me and I’ll see what I can do to troubleshoot.
dry bag for your food and paracord (I will have one for each person to use on the trip, necessary to hang bear bags)
water filtration systems (you will receive a Sawyer brand water filter to bring home, thanks to a generous gift from Sawyer).
jet-boil cooking systems for us to share
backpacking backpack to borrow
trekking poles are recommended to help with balance and navigating trail with your backpack on - we will review proper walking techniques and safety if needed ( I have 1 pair to borrow)
if you have your own jet boil or water filtration systems you are welcome to bring your own - just let me know ahead of time, because if we can save weight/divvy up gear we might as well save some weight where we can!
the total cost will be dependent upon whether you’ve chosen a solo, small group, or a solo-with your dog retreat
2 nights/3 days on the Superior Hiking Trail (location, date and duration subject to change under discretion of the guide, dependent upon unexpected weather or other emergency that would otherwise make it unsafe to be on the SHT)
an experienced guided backpacking adventure (Certified Wilderness First Responder)
I’m here for you as a sounding board, encouragement when you need it, a non-judgmental ear, or a shoulder to cry on - nature and activity can sometimes bring out the emotions, and that’s ok - I am here for you.
small intimate group of 1 guide and up to 3 attendees
review and education of backpacking, backcountry and camping skills
how to use the different water filtration systems
proper backpack packing and how to wear/adjust backpack
use of trekking poles, how to safely walk with a backpack, ascend and descend steeper sections
how to safely lift backpack
proper posture when wearing a backpacking to help decrease back pain
safety tips and education for bear and moose encounters
optional guided meditation and movement/stretching, journaling prompts, and new/full moon ceremony
coffee and/or tea Saturday and Sunday mornings
a zoom call or in-person meet-up prior to the backpacking retreat
transportation to/from the trailhead
travel/cancellation insurance
gear (I can help you source rentals if you need it)
meals/beverages aside from coffee, tea, and water
whatever else not listed under what is included
Now, are you ready to get unruly?! Click the button below to fill out an application, once reviewed and accepted, you’ll be able to reserve your spot by purchasing a ticket. (no payment required to apply)
Small Group Cost Per Person : $525
Solo (one-one custom experience) : $875
Solo Retreat with your dog : $950
10% of your cost to attend this retreat automatically goes to the Unruly Women Scholarship Fund to help improve accessibility and inclusivity in outdoor spaces, if you want to learn more click here.

Egge Lake August Backpacking Retreat (Beginner)
Join me in backpacking this beautiful section of the Superior Hiking Trail. We’ll witness the strength of the Baptism river, the calm and quiet of Egge lake and a beautiful island on Sonju Lake. Along this trail, we’ll travel over various terrain, that at times can be technical, but overall is relatively flat with some gradual ascending and descending, wooden boardwalks and bridges that can become slippery when wet, some high step ups and step downs - trekking poles are recommended. This route is beginner friendly and open to all levels of experience. A good reminder that we don’t always need to crush mileage and altitude, sometimes all we need is time in nature with good company.
This is a great opportunity to learn skills, without the stress of having to cover extensive mileage and elevation changes. Not to say that we won’t be putting the effort in, but I feel like this is a great balance of adventure, activity, and rest. Roughly 4.6 miles is the most we will backpack in one day. Each of us, will be required to carry our own gear, make our own food, and put in the work to get to our destinations together. Keep in mind, although this is the plan, we need to be flexible as things don’t always go as planned and campsites are never guaranteed on trail, but we’ll figure it out! It’s all part of the adventure :)
There is a chance that we’ll see bears, beavers, wolves, coyotes, mountain lion, moose, deer, and various birds- but sightings are not guaranteed. We will absolutely review safety / what to do if we were to encounter these animals prior to our retreat, although it's unlikely we'll encounter bear, moose, mountain lion, wolves and coyotes - - it's important to acknowledge this possibility and be prepared.
This retreat will be around the New Moon. We’ll utilize some time for meditation, journaling and a ‘planting seeds’ or intention setting ceremony around the bonfire Saturday night (weather permitting). This is not required, if it’s not your jam, but I do feel it adds to the experience.
Location: the trailhead where we will meet is roughly 1.5 hour drive north of Duluth, MN (exact location will be provided after you have signed up, prior to the adventure)
Morning of August 16 - early afternoon of August 18, 2024
Deadline to sign up:
August 2, 2024
***Destination, location and distance are subject to change at the discretion of Unruly Women LLC / guide of the retreat. Changes may depend on weather, natural disaster, closures, safety of each individual, etc; be expected to be flexible, we are at the will of Mother Nature and will not put you/our lives at risk, but also understand that you are your own person to make your own decisions and your choices are your own. (see cancellation/refund policy on FAQs page)***
individuals aged 18 or older (past trips have generally had 26 years to over 60 years of age)
open registration to ALL female identifying and femme leaning non-binary humans
open to all experience levels
3 person max, unless you are attending with someone you’re willing to share a tent with - then this is negotiable and will allow for more people
Must be able to hike up to 5 miles in one day over varying terrain, stairs, over logs, while carrying up to 40 pounds
There are some technical obstacles along the trail, stairs, high step up or downs, rocks, elevation changes and overlooks on the various areas we hike through. There may be slippery boardwalks, and uneven ground and boardwalks, and potential for washed out terrain.
You are in charge of your own transportation to/from the trailhead
Completed liability waiver, Covid acknowledgment and all other paperwork and payment required prior to adventure - or you may not participate.
Review of camping and backpacking skills throughout the weekend (if needed)
Guided meditation, journaling and stretching/movement (all optional)
This is an out and back style backpacking adventure
Friday 5 miles backpacking, Saturday 3 miles backpacking, Sunday less than 2 miles backpacking back to our vehicles
we will pack in-pack out everything (Leave No Trace).
meet like minded individuals and build community and friendships - feel free to spend your time how you like, rest, read, hike, explore, chat - this weekend can be as relaxing, as adventurous or as relaxing as you want it to be - - no ‘shoulds’ allowed.
Bon fires will depend on fire restrictions specific to the area we are in
Being in nature is fun, don’t forget to have FUN!! Remember that everyone was a beginner at some point, it’s important to ask questions, be open to learning and understand there is always more than one way to do something.
What’s the bathroom situation? On these trails there are exposed pit toilets along the way (typically near the campsites) meaning you’ll be sitting out in the open surrounded by trees but on a toilet that has a hole going deep into the ground. If you can’t make it to one of those, we’'ll go over how to dig a hole and properly Leave No Trace. (Real fun shit- pun intended)
Menstruating while we’re out there? Not a problem, just a learning curve, we’ll review that too!
Hate, disrespect, racism, sexism, and/or discrimination of any kind will NOT be tolerated, you will be asked to leave, no refunds.
Must complete & sign liability form/waivers/paperwork before participating.
Covid vaccinations are highly encouraged but are not required. Although, documented proof of a negative Covid test is required upon arrival no more that 48 hours prior to adventure or you will be turned away for the safety of you and the group. Distancing and masks might be required depending on the status of covid numbers at the time of our retreat.
If you are sick/feeling ill, DO NOT come on this adventure, there will be more! I promise.
If you’ve been in contact with anyone with Covid within 14 days prior to the adventure, please do not come, there will be other opportunities to join in on the fun in the future.
Please see the FAQs page for further questions or concerns regarding cancellations/postponing/refunds, if your answer is not found there, email me here.
Backpacking backpack ( I do have one for you to borrow if you need one, please let me know when you sign up)
Supportive hiking boots (ankle support recommended, already broken in is highly recommended or you will not have a good time- feet will hurt- ouch!)
Tent: I have 2 light single person backpacking tents available to borrow. If you have your own, or are coming with someone you know - this is a great opportunity to share a tent and split up the gear so that both of you will have less to carry- I have a tent to borrow you if needed.
Sleeping pad & sleeping bag
Water bottle(s)
Food: 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches and snacks for 3 days (dry meals are recommended to help keep your backpack’s weight lower)
A more extensive list of gear will be emailed to you after you sign up! But if you have questions or concerns please contact me and I’ll see what I can do to troubleshoot.
dry bag for your food and paracord (I will have one for each person to use on the trip, necessary to hang bear bags)
water filtration systems (you will get to take home a Sawyer brand water filter thanks to a generous gift from Sawyer.)
jet-boil cooking systems for us to share
backpacking backpack to borrow
trekking poles are recommended to help with balance and navigating trail with your backpack on - we will review proper walking techniques and safety if needed ( I have 1 pair to borrow)
if you have your own jet boil or water filtration systems you are welcome to bring your own - just let me know ahead of time, because if we can save weight/divvy up gear we might as well save some weight where we can!
2 nights/3 days on the Superior Hiking Trail (location, date and duration subject to change under discretion of the guide, dependent upon unexpected weather or other emergency that would otherwise make it unsafe to be on the SHT)
an experienced guided backpacking adventure (Certified Wilderness First Responder)
I’m here for you as a sounding board, encouragement when you need it, a non-judgmental ear, or a shoulder to cry on - nature and activity can sometimes bring out the emotions, and that’s ok - I am here for you.
small intimate group of 1 guide and up to 3 attendees
review and education of backpacking, backcountry and camping skills
how to use the different water filtration systems
proper backpack packing and how to wear/adjust backpack
use of trekking poles, how to safely walk with a backpack, ascend and descend steeper sections
how to safely lift backpack
safety tips and education for bear and moose encounters
optional guided meditation and movement/stretching, journaling prompts, and new/full moon ceremony
coffee and/or tea Saturday and Sunday mornings
a zoom call or in-person meet-up prior to the backpacking retreat
transportation to/from the trailhead
travel/cancellation insurance
gear (I can help you source rentals if you need it)
meals/beverages aside from coffee, tea, and water
whatever else not listed under what is included
Now, are you ready to get unruly?! Click the button below to fill out an application, once reviewed and accepted, you’ll be able to reserve your spot by purchasing a ticket. (no payment required to apply)
Small Group Cost Per Person : $525
Solo (one-one custom experience) : $875
Solo Retreat with your dog : $950
10% of your cost to attend this retreat automatically goes to the Unruly Women Scholarship Fund to help improve accessibility and inclusivity in outdoor spaces, if you want to learn more click here.

Superior Hiking Trail Women’s Volunteer Weekend: Mission Creek Part 1
Mission Creek Part 1
Join the SHTA and Unruly Women for a 3 day event July 26th, 27th and 28th as we reroute a section of trail near Mission Creek (not far from Duluth).
The SHTA is the nonprofit that manages, maintains, and promotes the Superior Hiking Trail.
For the past two years, Unruly Women has had the opportunity to partner with the Superior Hiking Trail Association to bring together incredible groups of women to help reroute and rebuild sections of the Superior Hiking Trail. Long lasting friendships have been made through these incredible experiences and of course, amazing trail work has been accomplished too!
This will be the 3rd Annual SHTA + Unruly Women Trail Maintenance Weekend. It is now considered an established program with the SHTA!! Thank you so much for your interest and participation so that we can continue this awesome trail work experience.
Activities will include digging with shovels and hand tools to create the new tread. We will also build structures (either stairs or boardwalk). All tools and training will be provided by SHTA. You do not need any prior experience in trail work, you will be taught on site and are encouraged to work within your comfort level - you will never have to do anything you’re not comfortable doing.
Campsites and dinners are provided
Expect a 0.5 mile hike from the trailhead to get to the project, which means roughly 1 mile roundtrip.
Volunteering is a great opportunity to learn more about the areas we recreate in, about the work that goes into maintaining trail systems we use, and to not only give back to the community but to become a part of the community.
This volunteer event is free, the campsites and dinners are provided by the SHTA, and all you need is transportation to the campground, your own camping gear, food and water, and whatever else you normally bring camping.
You have the option to camp in our group sites Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, but ultimately it's up to you what works with your schedule, as long as you can make it for the 8:30am start time Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday until 4:30pm each or either day!
Although this will be hard work, we want you to work at your own pace and take any breaks you need.
This is a beginner-friendly event. No experience is necessary. Come learn about trail maintenance in a welcoming and safe environment.
This is an event for women, which means all folks who are female identifying and/or femme leaning non-binary individuals.
Please click the button below to head over to the SHTA’s sign up page for more details.
In order to attend, you must click the button below to sign up for each day that you’re able to volunteer.
Sign up for all 3 dates, or just the dates that work with your schedule - - it’s not an all or nothing, we appreciate any and all help we can get!
You must sign up for each day that you intend to volunteer / participate (by following the link below)
Please read through all information and watch the necessary videos (by following the link below)
Click the (+) below to expand the information for each topic.
We will be camping at Jay Cooke State Park, this accommodation is kindly covered by the Superior Hiking Trail Association
You must bring your own camping gear, you are welcome to camp in your car if that’s your preference
Grup campsites will be available Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night
Dinners will be provided by the Superior Hiking Trail Association
You are in charge of brining sufficient snacks, lunches, breakfasts, and water for yourself
Shared Campsite Accommodations : Jay Cooke State Park
Trail Worksite: Mission Creek
Nearby : Duluth, MN
This event is for all female identifying and femme leaning non-binary individuals
ages 12-17 are welcome if accompanied by a parent or guardian
you must be able to hike 1 mile (roundtrip)
your own transportation
camping gear for yourself (anything you would normally bring camping like tent, sleeping bay, sleeping pad, etc)
ability to hike 1 mile
your own food and water (breakfasts, lunches, and snacks)
I also recommend to bring a backpack to carry your snack/lunch/water/personal items to the worksite

Wirth On Wednesday Mountain Bike Race during Women + Non-Binary Week Hosted By Unruly Women!
I am SO excited and proud to announce that Unruly Women will be hosting and sponsoring this year’s WOW race during The Loppet Foundation’s Women and Non-Binary Week!
Prizes will be from Unruly Women and sponsors including Mountain Flow Eco Wax, and SRAM!
Mountain biking and mountain bike racing are intimidating - especially considering that it’s a male dominated sport.
But, that’s even more reason for more of us to show up and ride. The more of us that are out there riding and supporting each other and ourselves - the better the experience will be and the more women, femme and non-binary individuals will be represented and recognized. We are all deserving of being out there, riding singletrack AND racing.
LET’s SHOW UP + GET UNRULY + let's flood this race with our energy and our stoke, the more the merrier!!!!
We need to shift our mindsets, remember our worth, and show up and ride and do the things we want to do without fear of judgement and intimidation. Let’s RIDE!!!
This event is a Loppet Foundation race, you must follow the link below to register on their website if you plan to join this race!
Follow the link below for all of the details and to register to race ! VOLUNTEERS are also needed!


This event is free! Please join us for this casual event at The Trailhead with the Loppet Foundation. We will gather behind The Trailhead building :)
** And a VERY special THANK YOU to the Midwest Dirt Legion and Em from Racket Magazine for helping to connect me to the volunteer panelists for this Q + A :) and to Mountain Flow Eco Wax for being such an incredible brand to work with and for the incredible swag to give away :) !!

Unruly Mountain Bike Group Ride @ Theo Singletrack
RAINED OUT :( Cancelled.
Casual Party Pace Mountain Bike Group Ride (free)
We’ve gotten rained out the last few weeks - let’s hope trails stay open for this group ride !
Rollout drop in/out times from in front of The Trailhead building at Theodore Wirth Park:
5:30PM and 6:30PM and we will ride until 7/7:30PM
Join Monica, certified BICP group leader and coach/ founder of Unruly Women, for this casual mountain bike group ride.
You must:
bring your own bike (safe and functioning, make sure to check you tire pressure, brakes and chain pre-ride)
wear a helmet
eye protection is recommended
gloves are recommended
close toed shoes are a safety must
water and snacks for yourself
transportation to and from trailhead
layers (as the sun goes down it’ll get colder), as you’re biking you might need to take off layers to keep from overheating
you must sign the waiver in order to ride with this group (if you haven’t signed one yet for 2024 please email me or sign up for this group ride so I can send it to you prior to our ride. After you’ve signed one for 2024, you’re good to drop in on all rides thereafter.
Drop-ins always welcome - although if you sign up, I will be able to notify you if there will be any ride changes or updates. If you don’t sign up, I won’t know you’re coming.
*Open to all who identify as women/femme/non-binary and are aged 18+, speed is anywhere from 5-12 mph but depends on the group*
* This is always a no-drop ride, meaning that no matter your pace or skill level you will always be included and never left behind.*
Theodore Wirth Singletrack trails are more technical and often present with more obstacles, berms, switchback turns and short quick climbs. You are encouraged to go around obstacles you don’t feel safe riding over them, walk your bike if you need to, and as always ride at your own pace.
If you want to learn the skills, please sign up for1:1 coaching with Monica :) by clicking here!
Sign up for the Mountain Bike Group Ride Below
If you’re interested in joining this group ride, and you’ve already signed a waiver this year, all you have to do is show up - - but if you sign up, then I’ll be sure to wait for you because I will know you’re coming :)
Click below to secure your spot, type in your name and email - - you do not need to create an account if you don’t want to, you’ll be sent an automated reminder regardless.
Plant based water bottle, petroleum free, BPA free and gluten free.
• 600ml (fits most bottle cages)
• A sustainable alternative to typical water bottles
• plant based : made from wheat (70% wheat, 30% LPDE) This bio plastic is made with a 2nd generation wheat product - meaning these are 100% gluten free !
• environmentally friendly - BPA free! :)
🌱 Made by Mountain Flow Eco Wax 🌱
• Artwork created by Monica : Surfing dirt on my mountain bike is my happy place, akin to surfing deep powder on my splitboard in the backcountry. Gliding over the smooth berms on my mountain bike as gravity + design propel you through the flowy single track down the hillside between the trees.
It’s a state of mind, a feeling of connection + harmony through the medium of your bike simultaneously feeling at peace, excited, numinous.

Level 1 Fundamental Mountain Bike Skills (ASL Interpreter Available)
the 3 fundamentals
braking + shifting
ready position (neutral, tall, low)
bike body separation
Depending on the group and the amount of time we have left, we may also add :
dismounting while ascending and descending
restarting a climb
a safe to ride, functioning mountain bike (does not need to have suspension)
a helmet
close toed shoes
flat pedals are recommended as the best way to learn the skills (if you have the shoes + pedals with clips, that’s ok, also referred to as ‘clipless’)
water and snacks are recommended
you must be able to ride a bike / pedal / stay upright without assistance to participate in this clinic (if you would like to schedule a 1:1 session with Monica instead of a group clinic please click here).
WHO is this clinic for?
must be 18 years of age or older
individuals who identify as women, femme, non-binary, or gender-expansive
This group skills clinic will be limited to 12 people, a minimum of 4 people must sign up. You will be refunded if the class does not fill (minus transaction fees). Please see the FAQs page regarding refunds/cancellations.
mountain bike and helmet rentals are available at The Trailhead
$40 (will get you 3 hours of bike and helmet rental, purchase can be made at The Trailhead where this mountain bike clinic is being held. Please arrive early if renting.)
helmet rental without bike is $10
The 2 hour skills clinic
An ASL Interpreter if requested (no additional charge to you)
6:1 student to mountain bike coach ratio (maximum of 2 coaches)
An Unruly Women plant based Mountain Flow water bottle
Mountain Flow Eco plant based, Earth friendly, bike chain lube
if you identify as BIPOC and/or LGBTQIA+ please use this 20% discount code at checkout: EVERYBODYBELONGS
** If this is out of your price range, especially with the additional rental fee, please reach out to me directly by emailing monica@unrulywomen.org for pricing modifications/scholarship.**

Unruly Mountain Bike Group Ride @ Theo Singletrack
Casual Mountain Bike Group Ride
We’ve gotten rained out the last few weeks - let’s hope trails stay open for this group ride !
Rollout drop in/out times from in front of The Trailhead building at Theodore Wirth Park:
5:30PM and 6:30PM and we will ride until 7/7:30PM
Join Monica, certified BICP group leader and coach/ founder of Unruly Women, for this casual mountain bike group ride.
You must:
bring your own bike (safe and functioning, make sure to check you tire pressure, brakes and chain pre-ride)
wear a helmet
eye protection is recommended
gloves are recommended
close toed shoes are a safety must
water and snacks for yourself
transportation to and from trailhead
layers (as the sun goes down it’ll get colder), as you’re biking you might need to take off layers to keep from overheating
you must sign the waiver in order to ride with this group (if you haven’t signed one yet for 2024 please email me or sign up for this group ride so I can send it to you prior to our ride. After you’ve signed one for 2024, you’re good to drop in on all rides thereafter.
Drop-ins always welcome - although if you sign up, I will be able to notify you if there will be any ride changes or updates. If you don’t sign up, I won’t know you’re coming.
*Open to all who identify as women/femme/non-binary and are aged 18+, speed is anywhere from 5-12 mph but depends on the group*
* This is always a no-drop ride, meaning that no matter your pace or skill level you will always be included and never left behind.*
Theodore Wirth Singletrack trails are more technical and often present with more obstacles, berms, switchback turns and short quick climbs. You are encouraged to go around obstacles you don’t feel safe riding over them, walk your bike if you need to, and as always ride at your own pace.
If you want to learn the skills, please sign up for1:1 coaching with Monica :) by clicking here!
Sign up for the Mountain Bike Group Ride Below
If you’re interested in joining this group ride, and you’ve already signed a waiver this year, all you have to do is show up - - but if you sign up, then I’ll be sure to wait for you because I will know you’re coming :)
Click below to secure your spot, type in your name and email - - you do not need to create an account if you don’t want to, you’ll be sent an automated reminder regardless.
NEW Unruly Women Athletic Shirts
4 different shirt options to fit your unique style
sizes XS-4XL
locally crafted in St.Paul, MN at Podiumwear
follow the link to order yours!!
*15% of what you pay for your shirt or jersey will go directly to the Unruly Women Scholarship Fund (click to learn more).

Fredenberg Creek Backpacking (Intermediate) (ASL Interpreter available upon request)
Join me in backpacking through this rugged terrain, where we'll enjoy scenic views, overlooks, start gazing and beautiful autumn colors (weather/season permitting) along the Superior Hiking Trail. We’ll witness the strength of beautiful waterways, be immersed in foliage, trek through maple forests, dense pines and vast meadows and will have incredible overlooks along the way. Along this trail, we’ll travel over various terrain, that at times can be technical, with some steep ascents and descents, but overall gradual ascending and descending, stairs, wooden boardwalks and bridges that can become slippery when wet, some high step ups and step downs and obstacles - trekking poles are recommended. This is an intermediate-moderate trek where we’ll gain and descend significant elevation changes - but mostly gradually. We are not rushed, we will take our time, and all levels of experience are welcome. Along the trails, we’ll hike through wooded areas, along beautiful water features (boarded walkways are less stable in certain areas than others) with waterfalls and will have spectacular views from the overlooks but because of technical aspects and more mileage to cover with full backpacks - I'm considering it intermediate but open to all levels of experience.
Although we're covering more mileage in a day on this retreat, we'll still have the opportunity to learn valuable skills, and be able to enjoy our surroundings and rest. Roughly 5 miles is the most we will backpack at one time, we'll be setting up camp each night and breaking down camp each morning. Each of us, will be required to carry our own gear, make our own food, and put in the work to get to our destinations together. Keep in mind, although this is the plan, we need to be flexible with our plans, kind to ourselves, and kind to each other - as things don’t always go as planned and campsites are never guaranteed on trail, but we’ll figure it out! It’s all part of the adventure :)
There is a chance that we’ll see bears, beavers, wolves, coyotes, mountain lion, moose, deer, and various birds- but sightings are not guaranteed. We will absolutely review safety / what to do if we were to encounter these animals prior to our retreat, although it's unlikely we'll encounter bear, moose, mountain lion, wolves and coyotes - - it's important to acknowledge this possibility and be prepared.
This retreat will be nearing the Strawberry full moon. We’ll utilize some time for meditation, journaling and a ‘letting go’ ceremony around the bonfire Saturday night (weather permitting). This is not required, if it’s not your jam, but I do feel it adds to the experience.
Location: the trailhead where we will meet is roughly 1.5 hours drive north of Duluth, MN (exact location will be provided after you have signed up, prior to the adventure)
Morning of June 14 - Early Afternoon of June 16, 2024
Deadline to sign up:
May 24th, 2024
***Destination, location and distance are subject to change at the discretion of Unruly Women LLC / guide of the retreat. Changes may depend on weather, natural disaster, closures, safety of each individual, etc; be expected to be flexible, we are at the will of Mother Nature and will not put you/our lives at risk, but also understand that you are your own person to make your own decisions and your choices are your own. (see cancellation/refund policy on FAQs page)***
individuals aged 18 or older (past trips have generally had 24 years to over 60 years of age)
open registration to ALL female identifying, femme and non-binary individuals (see FAQs page to see if Unruly Women is a safe/comfortable space for you)
ASL Interpreter available upon request at no extra charge
open to all experience levels, but please consider level of mileage and obstacles, a level of strength and endurance and balance is required for safety
3 person max, unless you are attending with someone you’re willing to share a tent with - then this is negotiable and will allow for more people
Must be able to hike up to 5 miles in one day over varying terrain, stairs, over logs, while carrying up to 40 pounds
There are some technical obstacles along the trail, stairs, high step up or downs, rocks, elevation changes and overlooks on the various areas we hike through. There may be slippery boardwalks, and uneven ground and boardwalks, and potential for washed out terrain.
You are in charge of your own transportation to/from the trailhead
Completed liability waiver, Covid acknowledgment and all other paperwork and payment required prior to adventure - or you may not participate.
Review of camping and backpacking skills throughout the weekend (if needed)
Guided meditation, journaling and stretching/movement (all optional)
This is an out and back style backpacking adventure
Friday 6 miles backpacking, Saturday 3 miles backpacking, Sunday 3 miles backpacking back to our vehicles
we will pack in-pack out everything (Leave No Trace).
meet like minded individuals and build community and friendships - feel free to spend your time how you like, rest, read, hike, explore, chat - this weekend can be as relaxing, as adventurous or as relaxing as you want it to be - - no ‘shoulds’ allowed.
Bon fires will depend on fire restrictions specific to the area we are in
Being in nature is fun, don’t forget to have FUN!! Remember that everyone was a beginner at some point, it’s important to ask questions, be open to learning and understand there is always more than one way to do something.
What’s the bathroom situation? On these trails there are exposed pit toilets along the way (typically near the campsites) meaning you’ll be sitting out in the open surrounded by trees but on a toilet that has a hole going deep into the ground. If you can’t make it to one of those, we’'ll go over how to dig a hole and properly Leave No Trace. (Real fun shit- pun intended)
Menstruating while we’re out there? Not a problem, just a learning curve, we’ll review that too!
Hate, disrespect, racism, sexism, and/or discrimination of any kind will NOT be tolerated, you will be asked to leave, no refunds.
Must complete & sign liability form/waivers/paperwork before participating.
Covid vaccinations are highly encouraged but are not required. Although, documented proof of a negative Covid test is required upon arrival no more that 48 hours prior to adventure or you will be turned away for the safety of you and the group. Distancing and masks might be required depending on the status of covid numbers at the time of our retreat.
If you are sick/feeling ill, DO NOT come on this adventure, there will be more! I promise.
If you’ve been in contact with anyone with Covid within 14 days prior to the adventure, please do not come, there will be other opportunities to join in on the fun in the future.
Please see the FAQs page for further questions or concerns regarding cancellations/postponing/refunds, if your answer is not found there, email me here.
Backpacking backpack ( I do have one for you to borrow if you need one, please let me know when you sign up)
Supportive hiking boots (ankle support recommended, already broken in is highly recommended or you will not have a good time- feet will hurt- ouch!)
Tent: I have 2 light single person backpacking tents available to borrow. If you have your own, or are coming with someone you know - this is a great opportunity to share a tent and split up the gear so that both of you will have less to carry- I have a tent to borrow you if needed.
Sleeping pad & sleeping bag
Water bottle(s)
Food: 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches and snacks for 3 days (dry meals are recommended to help keep your backpack’s weight lower)
A more extensive list of gear will be emailed to you after you sign up! But if you have questions or concerns please contact me and I’ll see what I can do to troubleshoot.
dry bag for your food and paracord (I will have one for each person to use on the trip, necessary to hang bear bags)
water filtration systems (you will receive a Sawyer brand water filter to bring home, thanks to a generous gift from Sawyer).
jet-boil cooking systems for us to share
backpacking backpack to borrow
trekking poles are recommended to help with balance and navigating trail with your backpack on - we will review proper walking techniques and safety if needed ( I have 1 pair to borrow)
if you have your own jet boil or water filtration systems you are welcome to bring your own - just let me know ahead of time, because if we can save weight/divvy up gear we might as well save some weight where we can!
the total cost will be dependent upon whether you’ve chosen a solo, small group, or a solo-with your dog retreat
2 nights/3 days on the Superior Hiking Trail (location, date and duration subject to change under discretion of the guide, dependent upon unexpected weather or other emergency that would otherwise make it unsafe to be on the SHT)
an experienced guided backpacking adventure (Certified Wilderness First Responder)
I’m here for you as a sounding board, encouragement when you need it, a non-judgmental ear, or a shoulder to cry on - nature and activity can sometimes bring out the emotions, and that’s ok - I am here for you.
small intimate group of 1 guide and up to 3 attendees
review and education of backpacking, backcountry and camping skills
how to use the different water filtration systems
proper backpack packing and how to wear/adjust backpack
use of trekking poles, how to safely walk with a backpack, ascend and descend steeper sections
how to safely lift backpack
proper posture when wearing a backpacking to help decrease back pain
safety tips and education for bear and moose encounters
optional guided meditation and movement/stretching, journaling prompts, and new/full moon ceremony
coffee and/or tea Saturday and Sunday mornings
a zoom call or in-person meet-up prior to the backpacking retreat
transportation to/from the trailhead
travel/cancellation insurance
gear (I can help you source rentals if you need it)
meals/beverages aside from coffee, tea, and water
whatever else not listed under what is included
Now, are you ready to get unruly?! Click the button below to fill out an application, once reviewed and accepted, you’ll be able to reserve your spot by purchasing a ticket. (no payment required to apply)
Small Group Cost Per Person : $525
Solo (one-one custom experience) : $875
Solo Retreat with your dog : $950
10% of your cost to attend this retreat automatically goes to the Unruly Women Scholarship Fund to help improve accessibility and inclusivity in outdoor spaces, if you want to learn more click here.

Tune Up, Tune In + Tune Out with SRAM + Unruly Women
Wednesday June 12, 2024
5-7 PM
Now Bikes + Fitness (75 Snelling Ave, St. Paul, MN 55104)
Be sure to Bring:
something to write with and write on

Sonju Lake Backpacking June (Intermediate)
Join me in backpacking this beautiful section of the Superior Hiking Trail. We’ll witness the strength of the Baptism river, the calm and quiet of Egge lake and a beautiful island on Sonju Lake. Along this trail, we’ll travel over various terrain, that at times can be technical, but overall is relatively flat with some gradual ascending and descending, wooden boardwalks and bridges that can become slippery when wet, some high step ups and step downs - trekking poles are recommended. This route is beginner friendly, but has more mileage to cover with full backpacks - so I'm considering it intermediate and open to all levels of experience.
Although we're covering more mileage in a day on this retreat, we'll still have the opportunity to learn valuable skills, and be able to enjoy our surroundings and rest. 6 miles is the most we will backpack at one time, we'll be setting up camp each night and breaking down camp each morning. Each of us, will be required to carry our own gear, make our own food, and put in the work to get to our destinations together. Keep in mind, although this is the plan, we need to be flexible with our plans, kind to ourselves, and kind to each other - as things don’t always go as planned and campsites are never guaranteed on trail, but we’ll figure it out! It’s all part of the adventure :)
There is a chance that we’ll see bears, beavers, wolves, coyotes, mountain lion, moose, deer, and various birds- but sightings are not guaranteed. We will absolutely review safety / what to do if we were to encounter these animals prior to our retreat, although it's unlikely we'll encounter bear, moose, mountain lion, wolves and coyotes - - it's important to acknowledge this possibility and be prepared.
This retreat will be around the New Moon. We’ll utilize some time for meditation, journaling and a ‘planting seeds’ or intention setting ceremony around the bonfire Saturday night (weather permitting). This is not required, if it’s not your jam, but I do feel it adds to the experience.
Location: the trailhead where we will meet is roughly 1 hour drive north of Duluth, MN (exact location will be provided after you have signed up, prior to the adventure)
Morning of June 7 - Early Afternoon of June 9, 2024
Deadline to sign up:
May 24, 2024
***Destination, location and distance are subject to change at the discretion of Unruly Women LLC / guide of the retreat. Changes may depend on weather, natural disaster, closures, safety of each individual, etc; be expected to be flexible, we are at the will of Mother Nature and will not put you/our lives at risk, but also understand that you are your own person to make your own decisions and your choices are your own. (see cancellation/refund policy on FAQs page)***
individuals aged 18 or older (past trips have generally had 24 years to over 60 years of age)
open registration to ALL female identifying, femme and non-binary individuals (see FAQs page to see if Unruly Women is a safe/comfortable space for you)
open to all experience levels
3 person max, unless you are attending with someone you’re willing to share a tent with - then this is negotiable and will allow for more people
Must be able to hike up to 6 miles in one day over varying terrain, stairs, over logs, while carrying up to 40 pounds
There are some technical obstacles along the trail, stairs, high step up or downs, rocks, elevation changes and overlooks on the various areas we hike through. There may be slippery boardwalks, and uneven ground and boardwalks, and potential for washed out terrain.
You are in charge of your own transportation to/from the trailhead
Completed liability waiver, Covid acknowledgment and all other paperwork and payment required prior to adventure - or you may not participate.
Review of camping and backpacking skills throughout the weekend (if needed)
Guided meditation, journaling and stretching/movement (all optional)
This is an out and back style backpacking adventure
Friday 6 miles backpacking, Saturday 3 miles backpacking, Sunday 3 miles backpacking back to our vehicles
we will pack in-pack out everything (Leave No Trace).
meet like minded individuals and build community and friendships - feel free to spend your time how you like, rest, read, hike, explore, chat - this weekend can be as relaxing, as adventurous or as relaxing as you want it to be - - no ‘shoulds’ allowed.
Bon fires will depend on fire restrictions specific to the area we are in
Being in nature is fun, don’t forget to have FUN!! Remember that everyone was a beginner at some point, it’s important to ask questions, be open to learning and understand there is always more than one way to do something.
What’s the bathroom situation? On these trails there are exposed pit toilets along the way (typically near the campsites) meaning you’ll be sitting out in the open surrounded by trees but on a toilet that has a hole going deep into the ground. If you can’t make it to one of those, we’'ll go over how to dig a hole and properly Leave No Trace. (Real fun shit- pun intended)
Menstruating while we’re out there? Not a problem, just a learning curve, we’ll review that too!
Hate, disrespect, racism, sexism, and/or discrimination of any kind will NOT be tolerated, you will be asked to leave, no refunds.
Must complete & sign liability form/waivers/paperwork before participating.
Covid vaccinations are highly encouraged but are not required. Covid tests are no longer required prior to retreats.
If you are sick/feeling ill, DO NOT come on this adventure, there will be more! I promise.
If you’ve been in contact with anyone with Covid within 14 days prior to the adventure, please do not come, there will be other opportunities to join in on the fun in the future.
Please see the FAQs page for further questions or concerns regarding cancellations/postponing/refunds, if your answer is not found there, email me here.
Backpacking backpack ( I do have one for you to borrow if you need one, please let me know when you sign up)
Supportive hiking boots (ankle support recommended, already broken in is highly recommended or you will not have a good time- feet will hurt- ouch!)
Tent: I have 2 light single person backpacking tents available to borrow. If you have your own, or are coming with someone you know - this is a great opportunity to share a tent and split up the gear so that both of you will have less to carry- I have a tent to borrow you if needed.
Sleeping pad & sleeping bag
Water bottle(s)
Food: 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches and snacks for 3 days (dry meals are recommended to help keep your backpack’s weight lower)
A more extensive list of gear will be emailed to you after you sign up! But if you have questions or concerns please contact me and I’ll see what I can do to troubleshoot.
dry bag for your food and paracord (I will have one for each person to use on the trip, necessary to hang bear bags)
water filtration systems (you will get your own Sawyer filter system to bring home thanks to a kind gift from Sawyer)
jet-boil cooking systems for us to share
backpacking backpack and/or tent to borrow upon request/reservation
trekking poles are recommended to help with balance and navigating trail with your backpack on - we will review proper walking techniques and safety if needed ( I have 1 pair to borrow)
if you have your own jet boil or water filtration systems you are welcome to bring your own - just let me know ahead of time, because if we can save weight/divvy up gear we might as well save some weight where we can!
the total cost will be dependent upon whether you’ve chosen a solo, small group, or a solo-with your dog retreat
2 nights/3 days on the Superior Hiking Trail (location, date and duration subject to change under discretion of the guide, dependent upon unexpected weather or other emergency that would otherwise make it unsafe to be on the SHT)
an experienced guided backpacking adventure (Certified Wilderness First Responder)
I’m here for you as a sounding board, encouragement when you need it, a non-judgmental ear, or a shoulder to cry on - nature and activity can sometimes bring out the emotions, and that’s ok - I am here for you.
small intimate group of 1 guide and up to 3 attendees (depending on the advetue you chose)
review and education of backpacking, backcountry and camping skills
how to use the different water filtration systems
proper backpack packing and how to wear/adjust backpack
use of trekking poles, how to safely walk with a backpack, ascend and descend steeper sections
how to safely lift backpack
posture when backpacking to help distribute weight of pack and decrease back pain
safety tips and education for bear and moose encounters
optional guided meditation and movement/stretching, journaling prompts, and new/full moon ceremony
coffee and/or tea Saturday and Sunday mornings
a zoom call or in-person meet-up prior to the backpacking retreat
transportation to/from the trailhead
travel/cancellation insurance
gear (I can help you source rentals if you need it)
meals/beverages aside from coffee, tea, and water
whatever else not listed under what is included
Now, are you ready to get unruly?! Click the button below to fill out an application, once reviewed and accepted, you’ll be able to reserve your spot by purchasing a ticket. (no payment required to apply)
Small Group Cost Per Person : $525
Solo (one-one custom experience) : $875
Solo Retreat with your dog : $950
10% of your cost to attend this retreat automatically goes to the Unruly Women Scholarship Fund to help improve accessibility and inclusivity in outdoor spaces, if you want to learn more click here.

Unruly Mountain Bike Group Ride @ Theo Singletrack
Casual Mountain Bike Group Ride
This will be our first mountain bike group ride - - weather permitting and if there aren’t trail closures :)
Rollout drop in/out times from in front of The Trailhead building at Theodore Wirth Park:
5:30PM and 6:30PM and we will ride until 7/7:30PM
Join Monica, certified BICP group leader and coach/ founder of Unruly Women, for this casual mountain bike group ride.
You must:
bring your own bike (safe and functioning, make sure to check you tire pressure, brakes and chain pre-ride)
wear a helmet
eye protection is recommended
gloves are recommended
close toed shoes are a safety must
water and snacks for yourself
transportation to and from trailhead
layers (as the sun goes down it’ll get colder), as you’re biking you might need to take off layers to keep from overheating
you must sign the waiver in order to ride with this group (if you haven’t signed one yet for 2024 please email me or sign up for this group ride so I can send it to you prior to our ride. After you’ve signed one for 2024, you’re good to drop in on all rides thereafter.
Drop-ins always welcome - although if you sign up, I will be able to notify you if there will be any ride changes or updates. If you don’t sign up, I won’t know you’re coming.
*Open to all who identify as women/femme/non-binary and are aged 18+, speed is anywhere from 5-12 mph but depends on the group*
* This is always a no-drop ride, meaning that no matter your pace or skill level you will always be included and never left behind.*
Theodore Wirth Singletrack trails are more technical and often present with more obstacles, berms, switchback turns and short quick climbs. You are encouraged to go around obstacles you don’t feel safe riding over them, walk your bike if you need to, and as always ride at your own pace.
If you want to learn the skills, please sign up for1:1 coaching with Monica :) by clicking here!
Sign up for the Mountain Bike Group Ride Below
If you’re interested in joining this group ride, and you’ve already signed a waiver this year, all you have to do is show up - - but if you sign up, then I’ll be sure to wait for you because I will know you’re coming :)
Click below to secure your spot, type in your name and email - - you do not need to create an account if you don’t want to, you’ll be sent an automated reminder regardless.
NEW Unruly Women Athletic Shirts
4 different shirt options to fit your unique style
sizes XS-4XL
locally crafted in St.Paul, MN at Podiumwear
follow the link to order yours!!
*15% of what you pay for your shirt or jersey will go directly to the Unruly Women Scholarship Fund (click to learn more).

Unruly Mountain Bike Group Ride @ Theo Singletrack
Casual Mountain Bike Group Ride
This will be our first mountain bike group ride - - weather permitting and if there aren’t trail closures :)
Rollout drop in/out times from in front of The Trailhead building at Theodore Wirth Park:
5:30PM, 6PM, 6:30PM and we will ride until 7/7:30PM
Join Monica, certified BICP group leader and coach/ founder of Unruly Women, for this casual mountain bike group ride.
You must:
bring your own bike (safe and functioning, make sure to check you tire pressure, brakes and chain pre-ride)
wear a helmet
eye protection is recommended
gloves are recommended
close toed shoes are a safety must
water and snacks for yourself
transportation to and from trailhead
layers (as the sun goes down it’ll get colder), as you’re biking you might need to take off layers to keep from overheating
you must sign the waiver in order to ride with this group (if you haven’t signed one yet for 2024 please email me or sign up for this group ride so I can send it to you prior to our ride. After you’ve signed one for 2024, you’re good to drop in on all rides thereafter.
Drop-ins always welcome - although if you sign up, I will be able to notify you if there will be any ride changes or updates. If you don’t sign up, I won’t know you’re coming.
*Open to all who identify as women/femme/non-binary and are aged 18+, speed is anywhere from 5-12 mph but depends on the group*
* This is always a no-drop ride, meaning that no matter your pace or skill level you will always be included and never left behind.*
Theodore Wirth Singletrack trails are more technical and often present with more obstacles, berms, switchback turns and short quick climbs. You are encouraged to go around obstacles you don’t feel safe riding over them, walk your bike if you need to, and as always ride at your own pace.
If you want to learn the skills, please sign up for1:1 coaching with Monica :) by clicking here!
Sign up for the Mountain Bike Group Ride Below
If you’re interested in joining this group ride, and you’ve already signed a waiver this year, all you have to do is show up - - but if you sign up, then I’ll be sure to wait for you because I will know you’re coming :)
Click below to secure your spot, type in your name and email - - you do not need to create an account if you don’t want to, you’ll be sent an automated reminder regardless.
NEW Unruly Women Athletic Shirts
4 different shirt options to fit your unique style
sizes XS-4XL
locally crafted in St.Paul, MN at Podiumwear
follow the link to order yours!!
*15% of what you pay for your shirt or jersey will go directly to the Unruly Women Scholarship Fund (click to learn more).

The Hungry Bear Gravel 100 with New Moon Bike + Ski
For this 2024 event, Unruly Women will be a race ambassador and a supported program by the Hungry Bear 100. Although we’re not local to Hayward, Wisconsin, our missions align and we’ve come together to help raise funds, and create an inclusive and accessible community!
“The Hungry Bear was born in the days when gravel races were unsupported DIY events where you were lucky to get a paper cue sheet and find a tavern at the end. We are trying to hold onto that BYOB adventure vibe that comes with a little bit of trepidation.
Profits from this event will be divided among community-based organizations like the Cable Volunteer Fire Department, The Steve Tilford Foundation, Regional Hospice, LCO Schools Scholarship, and other local non-profits and worthy causes.” Read more by clicking the button below to head over to the official Hungry Bear website.
THE UNRULY GROUP will be riding the 60 mile casual (untimed) Snacking Bear ride!
COST: All proceeds go to the local community and other local non-profits and worthy causes! So, you can feel good about the fee :)
$30 for the untimed ride or
$35 for the timed ride
DISTANCE: choose from either the 30, 60 or 100 mile distances
Unruly Women will be hosting a weekly group ride virtually on Zwift to help us get ready for this 60 mile ride :)
Keep an eye out for updates / dates / times for the virtual ride
email me with virtual group ride or race questions : monica@unrulywomen.org
sign up for the newsletter to stay most up to date
you’ll need a subscription to Zwift and a bike trainer of some kind (TacX, Zwift Hub, Kickr Smart, Wahoo, etc) to connect your bike to use and to virtually join the ride

Wild River Conservancy
Wild Rivers Conservancy's mission is to inspire stewardship to forever ensure the rare ecological integrity of the St. Croix and Namekagon Riverway. We provide environmental learning opportunities and outdoor experiences for a variety of people within our Watershed and the Twin Cities communities and protect and restore the St. Croix Watershed for the benefit of the environment and the surrounding communities.
🌱Friday May 3rd, 2024 🌱you can find Unruly Women and many more at the Wild Rivers Conservancy Festival at 45th Parallel Distillery in New Richmond, WI!
🌱Celebrate spring and the upcoming open water season with us at Wild Rivers Festival.
🌱Meet and greet with local kayak outfitters, tour guides, fishing outfitters, and more. Find everything you need to get outside this summer and make the most of the wild and scenic St. Croix and Namekagon rivers.
🌱Unruly Women will be silent auctioning a 1:1 mountain bike coaching session 🥳
✨Featured Vendors:
Wild Rivers Conservancy
National Park Service
Aqua Bound
Bending Branches
Hayward Fly Fishing Co.
Taylors Falls Canoe and Kayak Rental
Pedego Electric Bikes
Fishing For All
Unruly Women
Hayward Water Sports
Red Bird Concepts
Hi Tempo Watersports
Kinni Creek Lodge and Outfitters

Earth Day Group Ride + Clean Up
6PM : Rollout from 56 Brewing
6-7:30 PM : bike ride and trash clean up (less than 10 mile casual ride)
7:30 PM : Enjoy a beverage, food, and hangout!
Bring Your OWN :
safe to ride bike
close toed shoes
bike lights (front and rear)
gloves/garden gloves
Reacher/grabber/poker to help pick up trash (if you have one)
Layers, it might be a chilly night outside!
Beverages and food are not included, this is a free event :)
Monica will provide trash bags!

Tune Up, Tune In + Tune Out Workshop Series with SRAM + Unruly Women
Tuesday April 23, 2024
5-7 PM
Freewheel Bike Shop (3916 W Old Shakopee Rd
Bloomington, MN 55437)
Be sure to Bring:
something to write with and write on

Unearth Your Inner Wild Creative Writing + Journaling Workshop and Q&A for Unruly Women
This event is for all female identifying and non-binary individuals
This event is FREE
This is a great opportunity to dive inward through the journaling and creative writing prompts AND to meet new people / make new friends
Bring something to create with, this can be: pen and paper, watercolors and paper, a journal, a notebook, feel free to use colored pencils or markers - whatever helps your creative process flow freely
You may use this time for writing and creating, talking with others to bounce ideas, and to give yourself permission to allow your creativity to flow - unrestricted.
We will begin with a brief meet-n-greet, this will be followed by a 1 hour - 1.5 hour journaling/writing/creating guided session, followed by a short Q & A for Monica / Unruly Women
I know that working around others is often the creative kick that I need to help my creativity flow, so if this is also you, feel free to stick around and keep working :) after 8 pm

The Unruly Outdoor Gear Exchange with 56 Brewing
Let’s Gear Up, Give Back, Get Connected, and Make a Difference!
Join Unruly Women and 56 Brewing for an event that goes beyond swapping gear.
This will be a one of a kind gathering for outdoor enthusiasts and naturalists from all walks of life to come together, cultivate a vibrant community, foster environmental consciousness, and make a difference.
Click the button below to head over to the main event page for all of the details!
This event is open to EVERYONE, so please share and invite your friends, the more the merrier!!