We need to shift our mindsets, remember our worth, and show up and ride and do the things we want to do without fear of judgement and intimidation.
We are all deserving of being out there, riding singletrack AND racing. Let’s show up together, for each other + flood these races with our energy, our stoke and our support for one another! It’s time to get UNRULY and RIDE!
Have you ever wanted to try racing on your mountain bike?
Mountain biking and mountain bike racing are intimidating - but we’ll never know if we’ll love it until we try!
Mountain biking is a male dominated sport, and the racing scene has even less representation of women, non-binary and gender expansive identities.

The Hungry Bear Gravel 100 with New Moon Bike + Ski 2025
In 2024, Unruly Women will was a race ambassador and a supported program by the Hungry Bear 100. Although we’re not local to Hayward, Wisconsin, our missions align and we came together to help raise funds, and create an inclusive and accessible community! Everyone in our group had such a great time, that I’ve decided Unruly Women will be at Hungry Bear 2025!
“The Hungry Bear was born in the days when gravel races were unsupported DIY events where you were lucky to get a paper cue sheet and find a tavern at the end. We are trying to hold onto that BYOB adventure vibe that comes with a little bit of trepidation.
Profits from this event will be divided among community-based organizations like the Cable Volunteer Fire Department, The Steve Tilford Foundation, Regional Hospice, LCO Schools Scholarship, and other local non-profits and worthy causes.” Read more by clicking the button below to head over to the official Hungry Bear website.
THE UNRULY GROUP will be riding the 28, 60, and 100 mile options, please choose what feels best to you! Know, that you can change it later.
I (Monica) plan to ride the 100 in 2025!
*2025 will be all timed races, but please don’t let that keep you from signing up, it’s more about being able to keep tabs on who is still out on the course and who has crossed the finish line so that no-one gets left behind.*
COST: All proceeds go to the local community and other local non-profits and worthy causes! So, you can feel good about the fee :)
$40 (timed) use the code UNRULY5 for 5$ off to bring your cost to $35!
DISTANCE: choose from either the 28, 60 or 100 mile distances
Unruly Women will be hosting a weekly group ride virtually on Zwift during the “off” season ( November or later ) to help us all get ready for this 2025 race :) and to hold us accountable to show up - - riding indoors is really difficult for me to stick to, so I need accountabili-buddies too!
Keep an eye out for updates / dates / times for the virtual ride
email me with virtual group ride or race questions : monica@unrulywomen.org
sign up for the newsletter to stay most up to date
you’ll need a subscription to Zwift and a bike trainer of some kind (TacX, Zwift Hub, Kickr Smart, Wahoo, etc) to connect your bike to use and to virtually join the ride over the winter, if you wait, I’ll send out a discount code once I’m signed up again. I don’t have a year round subscription.

Wirth On Wednesday Mountain Bike Race during Women + Non-Binary Week Hosted By Unruly Women!
I am SO excited and proud to announce that once again Unruly Women will be hosting and sponsoring this year’s WOW race during The Loppet Foundation’s Women and Non-Binary Week!
Prizes will be from Unruly Women and sponsors including Mountain Flow Eco Wax!
Mountain biking and mountain bike racing are intimidating - especially considering that it’s a male dominated sport.
But, that’s even more reason for more of us to show up and ride. The more of us that are out there riding and supporting each other and ourselves - the better the experience will be and the more women, femme and non-binary individuals will be represented and recognized. We are all deserving of being out there, riding singletrack AND racing.
LET’s SHOW UP + GET UNRULY + let's flood this race with our energy and our stoke, the more the merrier!!!!
We need to shift our mindsets, remember our worth, and show up and ride and do the things we want to do without fear of judgement and intimidation. Let’s RIDE!!!
This event is a Loppet Foundation race, you must follow the link below to register on their website if you plan to join this race!
Follow the link below for all of the details and to register to race ! VOLUNTEERS are also needed!

Wirth On Wednesday Mountain Bike Race during Women + Non-Binary Week Hosted By Unruly Women!
I am SO excited and proud to announce that Unruly Women will be hosting and sponsoring this year’s WOW race during The Loppet Foundation’s Women and Non-Binary Week!
Prizes will be from Unruly Women and sponsors including Mountain Flow Eco Wax, Embark Maple Energy, and SRAM!
Mountain biking and mountain bike racing are intimidating - especially considering that it’s a male dominated sport.
But, that’s even more reason for more of us to show up and ride. The more of us that are out there riding and supporting each other and ourselves - the better the experience will be and the more women, femme and non-binary individuals will be represented and recognized. We are all deserving of being out there, riding singletrack AND racing.
LET’s SHOW UP + GET UNRULY + let's flood this race with our energy and our stoke, the more the merrier!!!!
We need to shift our mindsets, remember our worth, and show up and ride and do the things we want to do without fear of judgement and intimidation. Let’s RIDE!!!
This event is a Loppet Foundation race, you must follow the link below to register on their website if you plan to join this race!
Follow the link below for all of the details and to register to race ! VOLUNTEERS are also needed!


This event is free! Please join us for this casual event at The Trailhead with the Loppet Foundation.
** And a VERY special THANK YOU to the Midwest Dirt Legion and Em from Racket Magazine for helping to connect me to the volunteer panelists for this Q + A :) and to Mountain Flow Eco Wax for being such an incredible brand to work with and for the incredible swag to give away :) !!

The Hungry Bear Gravel 100 with New Moon Bike + Ski
For this 2024 event, Unruly Women will be a race ambassador and a supported program by the Hungry Bear 100. Although we’re not local to Hayward, Wisconsin, our missions align and we’ve come together to help raise funds, and create an inclusive and accessible community!
“The Hungry Bear was born in the days when gravel races were unsupported DIY events where you were lucky to get a paper cue sheet and find a tavern at the end. We are trying to hold onto that BYOB adventure vibe that comes with a little bit of trepidation.
Profits from this event will be divided among community-based organizations like the Cable Volunteer Fire Department, The Steve Tilford Foundation, Regional Hospice, LCO Schools Scholarship, and other local non-profits and worthy causes.” Read more by clicking the button below to head over to the official Hungry Bear website.
THE UNRULY GROUP will be riding the 60 mile casual (untimed) Snacking Bear ride!
COST: All proceeds go to the local community and other local non-profits and worthy causes! So, you can feel good about the fee :)
$30 for the untimed ride or
$35 for the timed ride
DISTANCE: choose from either the 30, 60 or 100 mile distances
Unruly Women will be hosting a weekly group ride virtually on Zwift to help us get ready for this 60 mile ride :)
Keep an eye out for updates / dates / times for the virtual ride
email me with virtual group ride or race questions : monica@unrulywomen.org
sign up for the newsletter to stay most up to date
you’ll need a subscription to Zwift and a bike trainer of some kind (TacX, Zwift Hub, Kickr Smart, Wahoo, etc) to connect your bike to use and to virtually join the ride