Welcome to the first ever all-woman and gender non-conforming adventure film festival!
Join the National Center for Youth Development in celebrating and supporting women and genderqueer athletes in the cycling community at the No Man's Land Film Festival. Your ticket purchase and attendance will benefit girls and women right here in the Twin Cities.
Our social hour and silent auction begin at 6:00 p.m. with concessions available for purchase.
Films will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will conclude by 9:00 p.m. Films are family friendly, though a few may contain profanity.
Adult tickets $30 and youth (under 18) $15. We'll see you there!
This film screening and silent auction event will help raise funds for the National Center for Youth Development.
Unruly Women will be contributing to the silent auction, tabeling at this event and has partnered with NCYD for the first ever femme high school bikepacking trip - click below if you want to learn more!
Never heard of the Noman’s Land Film Festival? Be sure to follow the link below to learn more about their mission!! Their 10th anniversary Film will be released on International Women’s Day March 7th and 8th, 2025.