It’s Time to ReAlign with Yourself and Nature
Have you been feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, or wondering how you lost yourself again? Maybe even all three?
Don’t worry, I’ve been there. More than once. It’s the feelings that come when we keep choosing what we think we should - instead of what we know we need. When we choose differently, it allows for a reset forcing our nervous system to create new neural pathways.
Getting out into nature, embracing adventure and finding connection through community and experiences are the best ways that I’ve found to help reconnect with myself and others, to help silence the noise to re-align with my purpose, and to help me find true connection with real people and the something(s) that are bigger than myself.
I’ve felt caught up in work, the world, feeling behind, like I’m not doing enough. Maybe you have too. Time and experience has taught me that when I feel this way, it’s a sure sign that I need to get out to get back in.
When the world around us is chaotic and so much feels out of our control, it’s easy to feel disconnected with ourselves, others and nature, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and want to dissociate, it’s easy to lose ourselves and our purpose.
Getting out of our comfort zone, immersing ourselves in nature, and pushing limits of what we thought we were capable of, help to rewire not only the way we think, but who we are and how we move through life.
In July, we’re heading to Alaska for an incredible experience.
This adventure in Alaska will help you get present - because there won’t be any other choice but to be where you are and truly embrace every moment.
It will help you simplify your life.
It will remind you that life keeps moving, no matter if we’re ready for it or not. We can get swept away in the current, or we can learn to move with the flow of it.
We can’t keep waiting for the perfect time, the perfect moment, or to be 100% ready to make the move or change that we’ve known we need to take for sometime now - - or to go on the adventure we want to or need to but don’t feel ready for yet.
It begins with choosing, making the decision, instead of waiting for someone else to make it for you and trusting yourself enough to keep moving forward - even if you don’t know ‘how’ it could possibly work out yet. That’s the thing though, often we can’t see the map ahead until we start heading in that direction.
The most impactful adventures in my life have been the spontaneous ones. The ones I didn’t overthink, over-plan, or over-prepare for. The ones that my soul yearned for and I finally made the choice to go.
Life lessons, wisdom and the experiences that change the fabric of who we are and who we’re becoming don’t happen without disruption and don’t happen when life is comfortable.
This adventure is an opportunity to build confidence and reignite the fire within you. Let this trip inspire you. I’ve already figured out the details, all you need to do is ask yourself what it is you want and then give yourself the permission you’re waiting for. Take your power back.
(Re)discover you. (Re)discover joy. (Re)discover purpose. (Re)discover what it feels like to truly live.
You are capable. You are enough.
If this adventure feels like the thing that your soul is yearning for, that your intuition is directing you towards, that when you let go of all of the reasons of why you ‘shouldn’t’ you’re left with a resounding YES. Please click below to learn more and reach out with any questions or concerns.
Often we need to get out, to get back in. Don’t wait, give yourself the permission you’re waiting for, book now.
Our small intimate group of adventurers will arrive by bush plane into Wrangell St. Elias National Park to backpack for 6 days / 5 nights in the Alaskan Highcountry , bushwhacking our way through tundra and mountainous landscapes, waterfalls, finding fossils, exploring ice caves and more. We'll then have 2 days to explore the small town of McCarthy to relax, enjoy a spa-day, hike or adventure some more - whether you want some solo time or group time this is up to you - before we shuttle back to Anchorage.